Tao Of Mindfulness

Tao Of Mindfulness

We all go through life like waves over matter, or slow, measured upsurges — a form of precise, or inventive, transformation. This is part of our?time and space continuum . It defines us and contextualises our existence — of who we are, as self-regulating, independent entities, with each of us being as distinctive as our signature, or fingerprint.

This is the simile of our being too — it underlines our mindfulness ,?existence ?and?thinking process , including the diversity of our evolution. Call it the self-effacing, abundant element of life, or what you may, despite the fact that most of us live more in our heads, rather than in the totality of our being.

It is a given that when we do not hold on to the light, or completeness, of our being, we are not whole — the sum of the parts and part of the whole. We remain disconnected, with no connexion to our own self, or others.

We can, if only we are willing, change the whole context, or essence, of it without much ado — what all this calls for is not rocket science, but the simple resonance of what we already know for nurturing the sum total of our being, while connecting ourselves more to our mind, body, and soul.

To read the full article: https://thinkwellness360.com/tao-of-mindfulness/


