Tantric Truth Telling
What's Up?!?
Have you done any detective work on yourself lately? The kind I mean is taking a look at are you doing all you can to move yourself forward to goals and desires that are really wanting expression in your life?
Every day, spend at least 15 minutes out of your comfort zone. Doesn't really matter what the subject matter or activity is, just that you're opening yourself up to GROWTH and CHANGE! 2017 is a year of new beginnings, whether it's relationship, career or new you - body, mind or spirit or all three!
Share something in a blog or post on social media that kind of stretches your comfort zone. In Tantra Yoga one exercise we teach is telling someone something we don't want them to know! Ouch! Vulnerability! Risk of being criticized or rejected! But truth telling gets easier when you practice it and then when it really counts - as in profound - you are able to easily tell your truth.