Tania's Quick View!
Tania Begg
Leadership Capability | Team Alignment | Proactive Change | Organisational Strategy
The Right Choice
As I write this, I am recovering from my first dental treatment in a very long time. I was initially apprehensive about the procedure, mainly due to the fear of pain, but I knew I had chosen my dentist well.
I have known my dentist for approximately four years in a professional setting. She is someone who has a strong emphasis on doing things properly and has very high standards for herself and her Team. She is disciplined and organised, delivering her service with ease due to the systems she has in her business.
The service I received from my dentist was second to none, painless and easy.
You may be thinking, ‘this is all very interesting but what does it have to do with me?’ We make decisions about who we buy from based on the limbic system in our brain. It also decides whether we continue to buy from someone or whether we don’t. It is a decision based on emotion.
I had read positive reviews about my dentist, some written by people I trust. However, it took meeting her myself to confirm for me that I could trust her with my dental health.
Whether you own a business or work for someone, you may be dealing with all the different limbic types. What each of them wants from you as a customer is different and if you don’t provide it to them they may well be on their way.
How well do you know what your customers want? How well do you know yourself?