Tangled Webs by F.M. Meredith

Tangled Webs by F.M. Meredith

Officer Gordon Butler and his overanxious trainee Dakota Ayala are dispatched to a scene where they find a woman named Melody White who has been stabbed to death. Gordon is not surprised. He’d been called to that address several times to confront Jacob Hulsey who had stalked the victim. The neighbor who placed the call to the Rocky Bluff Police Department reported seeing Hulsey there the night before. But when another neighbor says Melody’s ex-husband had threatened her, and then one of Melody’s co-workers at the day care center where they worked reported a clash between Melody and her boss, suspects seem to be multiplying like Russian nesting dolls. And to add to the difficulty of sorting it all out, Gordon’s new partner is making moves on Gordon’s wife, and detective Doug Milligan’s daughter Beth has become moody and secretive. At least two of the suspects and maybe some others are weaving tangled webs.

About the Book:-

A new category of police procedural mysteries.

A twisted thrill ride! A great deal of suspense!

The plot has lots of twists & turns and it moves fast!

Outstanding and surprising! A riveting tale of mystery!

An amazing mysterious story about Officer Gordon Butler.

Very interesting and suspenseful story full of twists and turns.

Tangled Webs is the fifteenth book of "Rocky Bluff Police Department"

If you like thriller, adventure, action, and excitement, pick up this book.

"Tangled Webs is" is another fantastic Rocky Bluff Police Department mystery!

This story is very entertaining from the beginning to the very last page of the book.

Buy Now!



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