A Tangled Web
Robert Burns From I Murder Hate

A Tangled Web

"YE hypocrites! are these your pranks? To murder men and give God thanks! Desist, for shame!—proceed no further; God won’t accept your thanks for MURTHER"


ARCHAIC: old form of murder -( noun).

"I murder hate by flood or field, Tho’ glory’s name may screen us; In wars at home I’ll spend my blood – Life-giving wars of Venus. The deities that I adore Are social Peace and Plenty; I’m better pleas’d to make one more, Than be the death of twenty."


Chapter 1: Oh! ?What A Tangled Web We Weave

???" .. in this story, we will see periods within which these invaders displayed a deprave indifference for human life. And yet, the justification given for this endeavor was to provide the New World heathens with much needed knowledge of the Christian religion. The real question from the reader should be who is the real heathen in this scenario?"

The phenomena of European Christianity, foraying into the New World is one that witnessed moments of extreme religious and philosophical perversion. This perversion defied the spiritual message of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. In the Sermon on the Mount the edifying message in Matthew 5:3-12 was:

Blessed?are?the poor in spirit, ????For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed?are?those who mourn, ????For they shall be comforted. ?Blessed?are?the meek, ????For they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed?are?those who hunger and thirst ??for righteousness, ????For they shall be filled. ?Blessed?are?the merciful, ????For they shall obtain mercy. ?Blessed?are?the pure in heart, ????For they shall see God. …

Blessed?are?the peacemakers, ????For they shall be called sons of God. Blessed?are?those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.?

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great?is?your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

But in this story, we will see periods within which these invaders displayed a deprave indifference for human life. And yet, the justification given for this endeavor was to provide the New World heathens with much needed knowledge of the Christian religion. The real question from the reader should be who is the real heathen in this scenario? Who really needed this knowledge? Journey through these pages for the real answer; it is ironic.

When the European arrived in The New World, he found many millions of indigenous people living here. These people had different forms of governance, communities, traditions, and cultures. ?The Europeans employed deception and genocide to seize land, power, and resources from the native population. These Europeans, were far from what they were claimed to be; this was a showcase of irony on parade.

This reality was compounded by a Papal Bull issued by Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia 1492-1503) in support of Christopher Columbus and The Spanish Inquisitions’ revolutionary and murderous approach to converting the indigenous people of the New World to Christianity.? That historic period, delivered the wrath of hell on the population of this new world; a situation made more compelling because it had the blessing of God’s Vicar on Earth, Rodrigo Borgia. '''



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