Taming the Stress Response
Do you sometimes feel stressed by life’s daily pressures? Do you sometimes wish you could just stop the planet for a couple of hours and take a relaxing nap to restore good order to your system? It’s a perfectly natural response to the constant round of pressures that people experience every day. Because, if you take a look around you, you’ll soon see that almost everyone is stressed.
It really is time that we dealt with this issue and made some effective adjustments to our way of living. The real problem is that we grow so accustomed to the pressure that it quickly becomes our new normal. But the fact is that we pay a high price for all the tension we carry in our daily lives. It affects our health, our sleep, our digestion, our creativity, our energy and every aspect of our lives. That’s why we need to learn how to create a very different approach to our responsibilities.
From a physical perspective, relaxing the jaw and shoulder muscles and breathing more deeply can produce an instant reduction in stress levels. But one of the less obvious sources of stress is a feeling that we aren’t really in control of our lives. When we can’t see a way out of our situation and feel condemned to suffer discomfort every day without any hope of relief or reprieve, this can lead to a sense of desperation.
It might seem like a minor glitch in our perception but this attitude is very common today and is one of the leading sources of depression and dissatisfaction. The antidote is to turn your imagination towards a better, brighter purpose. Take a moment to see yourself in a much more positive environment. Allow yourself to feel the joy of being free from your current, restrictive circumstances. Yes, you’re using your imagination, but your mind and your body will respond very positively to this brighter view of what’s possible. It’s a great technique for stimulating your creativity. You’ll feel less bound by your circumstances. You might even enjoy the prospect of finding yourself in a much happier and more rewarding environment.
Let’s remember that our view of the world is shaped by our perception. Change the filter and the world will appear to be a very different place to experience every day. Choose to make the experience as bright and positive as possible and the world will return the compliment by offering a brighter, more positive set of possibilities for you to enjoy.