Taming the Stress Response
One of the most helpful techniques that can disarm the stress response and revolutionise your life is to develop a greater sense of distance between yourself and whatever’s happening around you. The phrase that was coined to describe this condition is ‘Positive Indifference’ and it encourages us to adopt a more detached perspective from the turmoil and stresses of daily life.
One of the problems with stressing events is that they typically appear to be threatening in some way. It’s really a question of proximity. When the apparent threat or danger is far away, we tend to consider it in a more detached and logical manner. But if the danger seems to be closer, our limbic system swings into action, prompting the familiar survival reactions to save our lives and protect us from harm. But very few events are really that dangerous. We over-react all the time. Cultivating a sense of detachment breaks the cycle of knee-jerk, conditioned reflexes and encourages the pre-frontal cortex to shine the light of reason on whatever’s happening. As we learn to become more detached from our daily habits of stress and tension, we become calmer, more rational. We might even begin to ask ourselves whether our old reactions really make any discernible difference to the situations we typically face every day. It's time to cultivate a sense of positive detachment in order to see the world more clearly.
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