Florida Land Title Association - FLTA.org
Florida Land Title Association's (FLTA) mission is to empower members through advocacy and education to protect property
The Florida Land Title Association's Newsletter.
This newsletter is designed to bring you information that has occurred within the association and industry in the previous month. We hope you will find this to be informative and keep you up-to-date.
Highlands County, FL, Adopts Ordinance Requiring Purchaser to Record Roadway Status Affidavit
Per Highlands County Board of County Commissioners Ordinance No. 22-23-23, any instrument recorded in the Official Records of Highlands County, Florida, which grants, conveys, or transfers fee simple ownership in and to real property shall be accompanied by an affidavit or affidavits verifying the roadway status related to the real property. An affidavit shall be recorded for each grantee listed in the transferring instrument and such affidavit shall be recorded with, and immediately after in sequence, the transferring instrument. The affidavit or affidavits shall only be accepted in the form approved by the County Attorney. Recording fees shall be applicable to any affidavit recorded with the transferring instrument and shall be paid at the time of recording. For the affidavit forms or more information, visit this link on the Highland County Clerk of Courts website (Roadway Status Affidavit at Property Transfer (highlandsclerkfl.gov)).
Get Certified with CLT Institute: Earn Your CLC or CLS Designation!
Application Deadline
April 12, 2024
The Certified Land Title Institute (CLT) is gearing up for the Certified Land Closer (CLC) and Certified Land Searcher (CLS) examinations on Saturday, June 1, 2024.
Key Details:
Location: Keep an eye out for your exam location details in your application approval letters.
CE Credits: Successful licensed title agents can earn 10 Continuing Education Credits upon passing the exam.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to advance your career! Encourage your qualified staff members to take the plunge and elevate their expertise. Let's grow together!
FLTA Foundation Opens 2024
Application Period for Grants
The FLTA Charitable Action Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, has opened the application period for 2024 grant applications. Applications will be due by September 12, 2024, to be considered for this year's announcement during the annual FLTA Convention (November 11-13, 2024; Palm Coast, FL). Membership with the FLTA is not required. Nominate your Florida community organization today!
If you'd like to support the Foundation and help, get them to their goal of $50,000 you may contribute here: www.flta.org/Foundation. Thank you for your community involvement and support!
ALTA Issues Statement in Response to White House State of the Union Address
ALTA Says White House Attack on Title Insurance Offers False Promise of Savings
Ahead of the State of the Union Address, the Biden Administration released a plan aimed at lowering housing costs, which includes a pilot to waive the requirement for lender’s title insurance on certain refinances.
ALTA called the announcement a purely political gesture offering a false promise of savings for homeowners while exposing consumers, lenders and taxpayers to greater financial risk.
"The approval of this waiver is a hollow attempt by the White House to placate Americans’ current economic frustrations,” ALTA's statement said. “By announcing this only hours before the State of The Union address, without outreach to, or engagement with, the title insurance industry, the Administration has reduced the crucial role of the industry to nothing more than a politicized talking point.”
Since the waiver program was first reported, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has faced strong bipartisan opposition. Several members of Congress asked FHFA Director Sandra Thompson about such a pilot during a May 23, 2023, House Financial Services Committee hearing and expressed concern that Fannie Mae would be expanding outside their charter by operating in a primary market business with this pilot program.
Call To Action
In response to the State of the Union address, take action by sending a message to your member of Congress. If you are not registered as a member of the Title Action Network (TAN), you will need to register an account (No Charge). If you are already registered as a member of TAN, you may log in, select the red "VIEW OUR ACTION CENTER" button to send your prewritten message now.
Save the date for the upcoming FLTA Member's Call,
scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Join us for an informative session where we'll dive into exciting topics such as upcoming events, the array of membership benefits, and a special focus on the FLTA's exclusive Member Community portal. This is your chance to stay updated on all things FLTA and connect with fellow members.
The event is not just for current members - potential members are welcome too! If you're not yet part of the FLTA community, now is the perfect time to join. Explore the valuable resources, forge new connections, and enhance your professional network by becoming a member.
We're excited to have you join us for this insightful call, fostering connections within our vibrant FLTA community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us for a FLTA Networking Event hosted at Topgolf in Fort Myers, Florida, on April 17, 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
The first 35 FLTA members can enjoy complimentary entry, so be sure to secure your spot early. For additional FLTA members, there will be a charge of $20 each.
The first non-members can also join the fun with complimentary, for the first 10, additional nonmembers tickets are $30.
Don't miss this exciting opportunity to network, connect, and enjoy a swinging good time. Register now and get ready for an unforgettable experience!
Event Highlights:
? Two hours of golf
? Appetizers
? Beer and wine
Pre-Registration Required
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
More Upcoming Networking Events
Thank you to those that have already signed up to Sponsor!
AccuTitle, Agents National Title Insurance Company, Blue Brick Title and Escrow, CATIC, FNF Family of Companies, ME Land Services, Perdido Title and Abstract, Real Res, Reliable Lien Search, Total FIRPTA, Skyline Lien Search, Unik Title, BankUnited, Proplogix, Stewart Title, Notary Closers, Mobile Homes Titles Unlimited, INC., Attorneys' Title Fund Services, and Westcor Land Title Insurance Co.
Become a sponsor and align your company with a specific networking event, kindly reach out to Rebecca at [email protected] for more information.
FLTA Members, did you know the FLTA offers members an exclusive title industry social media platform called Community?
Attendees will have a better understanding of:
? What a 1031 Exchange is
? Reasons Taxpayers Exchange
? Property excluded from 1031 Treatment
? Benefits and Potential Hazards in a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange
This webinar is approved for
1 Standard CE Credit (Agents)
1General CLE Credit (Attorneys)
1 Real Estate Certification Credit (Attorneys)
Pre-Registration Required
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
On Demand Classes
The Florida Land Title Association is focused on bringing relevant educational opportunities to the industry in 2024.
On-Demand Classes can be accessed on our school web page,
Florida Land Title Association's School (teachable.com)
(Recommend Google Chrome)
Courses approved for CE and CLE Credit
? Uncovering Unrecorded Debt and Municipal Liens (CE/CLE Approved)
? Financial Abuse of Older Adults (ETHICS CE/CLE Approved)
? Land Surveys (CE Approved)
Cyber Security
Possible (4) CE/CLE Credits
Special Guest Speakers,
Topics, and Event Schedule Includes:
Event Check-in will Open: 9:30 a.m.
Session Starts at 10:00 a.m.
Session 1:
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics
Jackson Tarpley, First International Title
Session 2:
Passwords: The End of an Era?
David Eisenberg, First International Title
Lunch Provided (Noon)
Session 3:
Panel Discussion: Vacant Land Fraud
Jovianna Gonzales / Digital Forensics Now
Digital Forensics and Cyber Security
Frank Laisch, CATIC
Title Underwriter Perspective
Andrea Somers / Florida Agency Network
Title Agent Perspective
Panel Moderator:
Shelly Mannebach, Investors Title Insurance
Session 4:
Cyber Security Jeopardy
Lee Swaffield, Rynoh Live
Conclusion: 3:00 p.m.
Event Check-in will Open: 9:30 a.m.
Session Starts at 10:00 a.m.
Space is Limited, Please Register in Advance. Lunch Provided.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Purpose: The Committee shall investigate and make reports on laws and decisions which vitally affect the abstract and title business in Florida.
Purpose: Provide educational opportunities to the membership and potential membership of the Association.
Purpose: Expand the Membership of the Association.
Purpose: The committee focuses on technology affecting the Title Industry and to assist in the development and promotion of cyber fraud awareness.
Download the new FLTA App, powered by Wild Apricot!
Members now have access to a comprehensive directory, upcoming events, and easy registration with just a click of a button. Stay up to date on everything happening with FLTA and connect with fellow members.
Login is the same as your FLTA account.
FLTA Career Center Account Benefits
Are you an employer looking to hire? Do you know someone interested in a career in the Title Industry?
The FLTA has you covered. Check out Florida Runs on Title InsuranceTM to learn more.
Florida Land Title Association's mission is to support the land title profession for the?protection of property rights and the integrity and security of real estate transactions.