The Talking Zebra
Yitzchok Friedman
My Passion is to help others enjoy the journey as well as the destination!
A few years back I was going through some tough times. I was unemployed for quite a while and the credit card debt was climbing at an accelerated speed. I was looking for a job that matched my particular set of skills and professional training. Each week as I sat at home in my pajamas sending out my resume I was getting more and more depressed.
One morning my wife convinced me to go out and do something different and literally through me out of the house for the day. As I stepped outside the upstairs bedroom opened and my wife threw me a bag filled with fresh clothing and some cash. From the reflection of the car windows, I saw myself standing there There a forty years old man in pajamas badly needing a shave holding a garbage bag . I quickly got in the car and forced myself to start driving. After a few minutes of haphazardly driving around, I see a billboard advertisement for a new safari not too far away. The billboard promised an Unforgettable Experience! So as a lover of nature I decided to go visit the new drive-through safari just a half-hour drive away. After stopping at the local supermarket and picking up some important safari supplies, I drove the distance and arrived in record time. Since it was a Monday in early late May the safari was quite empty. I paid the entrance fee and started to slowly drive around. Even though you are not supposed to feed the animals I always enjoy feeding the monkeys and experience them jumping all over the outside of the car. I carefully spread my jacket on top of my backseat wich was packed with puffed peanut snacks and bananas. I look around to see that the coast is clear than I smear all over my car tens of bananas and pour the snacks all over the bananas. literally within seconds like a locust attack my car was fully covered by the cutest monkeys of all types and colors. This lasted for about five minutes until I heard from a loudspeaker to please listen to the rules and DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS? How do I explain to them that this is the only reason I came! Fun was over and time to move on.
As I slowly arrive at the section of the Zebras I see one Zebra who looks a bit different than all the others. Bored of life and feeling a bit in need of a change I rolled down my window and yelled out a question that has been perplexing me for a while '' Hey Zebra tell me are you an animal black with white stripes or perhaps you are white with black stripes? Not expecting an answer I slowly started to drive away then suddenly the unique zebra turned to me and asked ''Tell me are you a smart guy who just happens to be out of a job or are you a stupid person who was just lucky to get his last job? Are you a nice guy because you feed all the monkeys in the safari or are you a jerk for not keeping to the rules of the safari? Freaked out I was about to put the pedal to the metal and headed straight to the elephants! Then the costumed Zebra turned to me and said the most amazing thing. He said as follows ''There are a lot of safaris with zebras but what makes us unique is that this is the only safari with talking zebras, don't allow the world to make you become something they think they need, allow yourself to show the world that they need who you really are ''!
We are each and individually uniquely great. Just as no two snowflakes are exact so to each and every person has there unique talents, qualities, and traumas. This combination has been customized and created specifically for you to shine your inner light to the world. Allow the world to see your unique inner core and everything in life will fall into place. Wishing you and your families during this special time of the year peace, health, and inner tranquility!