Talking about myself for this edition of Sunday Reads
It's been a while since I wrote about my thoughts for Sunday Reads on an actual Sunday! So today, I decided to do just that and get a bit personal.
When I first started Aglet Ink, I had immense faith and belief in the idea. But most people, even those that wished we well, were frightened for me. I had a nice job. Why on earth would I give up all of the comforts and start from scratch?
The answer to my mind is very simple. I don't want to live with the "what-if"s. And while external validation from the general public mattered to me in my early twenties, I realise its fickle and fleeting nature and it holds no real feeling or meaning for me anymore. What I do care about is the value I bring to my clients and my colleagues i.e. people whose lives I can make a tangible impact.
Similarly, I have also understood that as long as I am not breaking any laws, I am also not someone who conforms to societal expectations. If there are five different paths to take, I want to explore every possibility before making a decision and not simply settle for the default option.
The fallout of that is making some horrible choices and making some great ones too.
But my professional goals are to create quality work, write a few books that I am proud of, and build businesses that will help people in the long term.
My personal goal is to always be sincere and honest, and tell the truth and stick to my beliefs even in the face of extreme pressure, grow my own vegetables and teach as many little children as I can, in my spare time.