Talking with… Jaki Richardson, Mining Database Administrator, Golden Grove, 29Metals

Talking with… Jaki Richardson, Mining Database Administrator, Golden Grove, 29Metals

To celebrate this week’s International Women’s Day (IWD) we talked to some of the women of 29Metals, including Jaki Richardson from our Golden Grove operation in WA. This is what Jaki had to say…

On why she likes working in mining…

I was intrigued with the thought of working underground, and driving big trucks, but I quickly found that I loved everything about the industry. At Golden Grove, the country is amazing and I love the fact that so much is going on below what we can see. In fact, the whole industry fascinates me now, I think it is because it is so diverse.

But most of all, it is the people. Everyone has such varied and wonderful paths to mining, with such a wide range of skills and interests – you can never get bored talking to such a range of souls.

On the pathway she took into the industry...

I am a scientist by training with over 20 years’ experience and mining was a bit of a mid-life crisis job. I had left my career in agriculture and was working in a short-term role when I met a guy who worked for Byrnecut. I told him I wanted to drive a truck on a mine … four weeks later, there I was!

I don’t want to do anything else now, and only wish I could go back and study mining instead of agriculture. Perhaps my soil science background gives rise to my fascination with the geology and processes.

On what she’d say to women thinking of entering the industry…

Do it! Come out here as a worker, willing to do what the other workers do. I think it is vital for professionals to know how hard the mining crew work, and the risks they take so after your degree give that a stint before moving to the engineer’s or geologist’s office.

Get the degree and come mining! Or come without the degree – there are roles and places for everyone. Take all the opportunities.

On how we should attract and keep talented women in the business…

Here are three things we can do right now to attract women to the industry. One, provide equity in pay structure. Two, create a flexible environment which aids the balance of work, community life and home. And thirdly, provide mentors and inspiring female leaders. We need to ensure there are more women in senior management who are prepared to speak with, and to, up and coming talent.

We also need to educate out the ‘1970s male superiority’ belief system, in the places where it still exists. It’s not enough for women to call out this behaviour, we need men thinking about what is right and speaking up themselves when they hear or see something inappropriate.?

Sabina Shugg AM

Making a difference – advocate and change maker

1 年

Great to see these stories!



