Talking to Friends and Other 2020 Goals
Liza Weidle
Life is mostly about how you react to what’s going on around you. Be curious. Experiment. Tell stories. Be kind. Need a friend? Call me ...
One of my goals from 2019 was to finish Malcolm Gladwell’s “Talking to Strangers.” It was a dark read with dips into the rationale behind some of the controversial tragedies in our recent history. Gladwell waded into the depths of despair behind suicides of noted leaders, pedophilia scandals and deceptions that rob people of their life’s earnings.
Ugg. Why did I read this book? It was an attempt to wrap my arms around some of the heartbreaking events for a deeper understanding. At least Gladwell did come back to thoughts like it being better to spend money on mental health care than building bigger fences to keep suicidal people from jumping from bridges.
After finishing the book, I vowed that 2020 would be the year of “Talking to Friends.” Wouldn’t it be better if we all spent time talking to friends instead of worrying about what a stranger would or could do?
This year instead of reading dark books, I will spend more time with friends who understand giving back to the community. This could look like volunteering with some great nonprofits in our community or helping friends who are taking a stand by running for office or even something as simple as taking a bag with me when I go for a walk to pick up trash along the way.
I want to spend more time with family. I have four beautiful grandkids who are four and under. “I am four going on five,” said one recently and she is right. My grandchildren (and grandpuppy) are growing quickly and I want to have time to play with them.
I will be delving more into freelance work that takes me on a path that helps make our world a better place. I hope we can meet for a cup of coffee or walk along the trails. Let me know your goals for the year and how I can help!
Happy New Year!
You are always inspiring, Liza! One of my goals for 2020 is to seek out meaningful opportunities to volunteer and engage. Happy to work for a company that encourages it. Perhaps a walk and talk is in order?