Talking to Animals Successfully Depends on Three Things
Do Animals Understand When You’re Talking to Them?
“When you’re talking to animals, do they understand you?”
This is a common question I get – and the answer is a bit complicated, so let’s unpack that for you today.
Animal communication?and growing your intuition, accuracy, and confidence isn’t easy. Although you’re born with intuition, learning to use it properly isn’t something you can learn how to do in a day.
When we want to understand our animals better, solve problems together, and learn to speak their language with certainty, knowing how animals best understand your messages so you can deliver them in a way they can understand what you’re saying is important. And vice versa – so that when they talk back, you can understand what they’re saying, too.
One of my gifts is that I can communicate clearly and effectively with animals so: 1) they understand me perfectly without any confusion whatsoever from anywhere in the world, and 2) I can easily explain complicated topics, so they grasp them fully.
When we do that, we get the best possible results from our conversations every time.
So, to answer the question:
When you’re talking to animals,?how?you communicate the message is important
How you communicate your message?depends entirely on your animal’s familiarity with you and your language, your words and their meaning, and your attitudes and beliefs.
Their history, training, and experience with you (and other humans) is helpful too.
Animals do understand some words. They think of them as “vocalizations” or expressions. To be sure, they get some words more than others, especially when put into context, which makes it easier to understand.
They also observe your physical cues through your body language. But what they’re paying attention to, and which many people miss completely, are three things.
Animal communication depends on these three things:
1) Your energy
Your energy determines how in alignment and congruent you are, if there are distracting things in your?auric field, how connected – or disconnected – you are, and what your intention is.
2) Your Mental Monitor
What are you holding in your mental monitor? Some call it your third eye, both visually and sound-wise. It’s what you’re focusing on internally in your head.
3) Your feelings
Your feelings give context to your story (context?is a big deal!)
Remember: you transmit 90% of your communication through energy and telepathy, not the written or spoken word.
Consider these two scenarios when someone is talking to animals:
1) I’m asking my dogs if they’d like some doggy ice cream and, if so, which kind. I speak it out loud, AND I imagine the ice cream in my mind and see them licking it. I feel happy/delighted with that experience and I can even taste and smell it myself!
2) I’m asking my dogs if they’d like some doggy ice cream and, if so, which kind. I speak it out loud, AND I imagine the ice cream in my mind and them licking it. But then I see/feel/sense them feeling sick, yucky, vomiting it up on the spot like it is a toxic poison, their tongue swells up, there’s a horrible headache pounding in their head. I feel terrified, scared, horrified, in shock and trauma drama. I can even taste it myself, and yes, it makes me feel sick too. I’ve stopped breathing with dread.
Same scenario, same words, and same starting story – but with an?entirely?different message, right?
The above scenarios illustrate the importance of CONTEXT combined with the message/story you’re speaking out loud.
You convey context through feelings, images, thoughts, energy and impressions, attitudes, and beliefs. When you do this right, your animals GET your message.
Then, be prepared because they may have questions, concerns, feedback, stories of their own to tell you, so pay attention.
Remember: good animal communication is never a one-sided story. It’s a two-way conversation.
So after you master delivering congruent messages with proper context, it’ll be time to learn how to receive and interpret their messages back to you.
There are three simple steps to talking to animals and sending telepathic messages with context are:
See it, feel it, and say it (verbally and in your head).
So let’s look at that a little closer.
Speak it out loud to help you focus on your story instead of bouncing all over the place, which is confusing. A game of mental ping pong is not what we’re going for here!
Use your energy and inner voice wisely, so your message is congruent, clear, and properly aligned with the context you wish them to get.
Emotions are energy in motion. Feelings are what help the animal make sense of your words, intent, and the story.
With practice and experience, you’ll get good at it and won’t need spoken verbal words to communicate, you can just think it in your head once you’ve connected with them and they’re paying attention.
Now, give it a try and see what happens. I recommend using a different story!
When you’re good at this,?talking to animals?starts to become easy! You can easily find out:
The list of what you can find out when you easily speak their language is endless and fascinating.
Do you have questions?
The?Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club’s Live Q&A Coaching Call for Gold and Platinum Members?is on the second Saturday of every month.
It’s the perfect time to take your skills deeper and faster and learn more about what you don’t know yet.
Coaching students to break through their blocks, stuck spots, and limitations is one of the things I do best, AND that the students get the most value out of. I know that because that’s what they tell me every time!
See our Curriculum and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Membership options?HERE.
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