Talk to young athletes about abuse, misconduct
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Our vision is that every athlete will be safe, supported, and strengthened through sport.
If you have a child who is just getting started in sports or a teen who has moved into competitive athletics, there’s no better time than now to start talking about what a safe, healthy sport experience should be like.
These online courses offered by the U.S. Center for SafeSport can be an important addition to your family safety toolbox.
Younger kids often don’t have the language skills to articulate when a potentially unhealthy, inappropriate, or even abusive situation is occurring. Our “SafeSport for Kids” course (for kids ages 5-12) is an entry point for you to have conversations about boundaries and other important safety topics.
The “SafeSport for Youth Athletes” (for youth 13-17) course helps teens understand their “rights” as young athletes: the right for their body to be safe and respected, the right to feel safe and supported by their team, and the right to report abuse when it happens to them or someone on their team.
The Center’s catalog of trainings, some of which are required within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, come with the quality parents can trust. Join the millions getting SafeSport? Trained, and join our mission to end abuse in sport.