Talk triggers - People can't pull the trigger if you don't hand them the gun.

Talk triggers - People can't pull the trigger if you don't hand them the gun.

3 Steps for you to clarify, communicate and commercialise yourPoint of Difference.

Let's talk ... Talk Triggers ... 

What would people say about you? 

(and how happy would you be with that right now???)

We know word of mouth has been - and still is - the most effective way of marketing because we trust people (who we like and/or who are similar to us).

With the Internet,

Word of Mouth has become Word of Mouth

and we trust strangers

(in fact more than we trust ex partners due to the negative emotional connection we most often have with them)

more than ever before and use recommendations as base for our decisions.

Would you be happy what people would tell others about you?

Let's not beat around the bush - we google people and make up our mind way before we met them in person.


You have an interview lined up? You will highly likely check out your interviewer's name on LinkedIn and check out the company's website and google them.

You are going on a date? I bet you search them on Facebook and Instagram straight away.

It doesn't matter if it's personally or professionally - we have more access to information than ever before which also means we have more choice than ever before.

And this is where push comes to shove ...

??How much do you stand out (for all the right reasons)?

??How unique is your point of difference?

??How easy is it to find you and more importantly, to remember you for what you want to be considered for?

Same is lame. To stand out you need to be more than good. You need to be unique.

Here are 3 steps for you to define your talk trigger and be(come) remarkable:

? Know yourself. Personal Branding is not about being someone you are not. It is about being more of who you are already. But without knowing what this special something is that you are, how can you be more of that?

Do the groundwork and start with an audit in 2 ways:

1.) Reflection of your current situation by listing everything that comes to your mind - without the judgement part (people you are with, tasks you are doing in your job, activities you pursue in your spare time).

Now rank them:

a) People - write down characteristics you like and dislike about them so you get an understanding who energises you and who drains energise from you

b) Job Tasks - write down all tasks your current job entails and then rate them from 1-5 with 1= boring and dreading and 5 = you'd do it 24/7 without getting paid).

Now have a look which of the tasks you rated from 1-3 can be outsourced - either through technology, through other people or through you having another role. And then look at the tasks you rated as a 4-5 and see how you can do more of them - either in your current role or in the next role you are embarking) 

c) Spare time activities - write down all activities you do in your spare time and reflect how helpful those are to achieve your goals.

You may want to work on losing a few kilos before summer but Netflix has a dominant place in your evening activities.

Replace them rather than cutting them out. Instead of binge watching your favorite show, prepare a few podcasts and go for a walk or hit the gym.

2.) Do the test!

Another (not instead of but additional) way to get to know yourself better is by completing a personality test.

In my coaching program as well in the impaCCCt Academy I use a combination of two - a Brand Archetype Test coupled with a Personality Test as I found the combination is super powerful to clarify not only your flow zone (when you are in peak performance state) but also how you can create sustainable environments based on your unconscious preference.

? Know the value you bring.

As much as it is important to know your strengths, who and what gives you energy rather than drains it so you can perform at your peak without burning it, it is worthless when you are not clear about the value it adds to others.

How can you be paid a premium if you don't know if your contribution is worth a premium?

How you can clarify your value is by asking others (or in a coaching session you would deconstruct it yourself through particular questions that unveil it) 

??What do they come to you for?

??What would they associate with you?

??What feeling do they have when engaging with you?

?Put it all together and communicate it - clearly, consistently and continuously.

How can you be considered when you are the best kept secret?


You can't.

This is where the marketing part of the Personal Branding journey comes in. 

All your marketing material which is your LinkedIn profile, your CV, your 'pitch' aka introduction sentence, your 'about me' on your homepage ... needs to reflect what you stand for and who you can add value to the best.

Take the test:

??a) What comes up when you google yourself and then b) when you go onto images?

How relevant, recent and respected are the search results connected to you, your name, your expertise?

Let me tell you - Recruiters, investors, hire managers, people of influence - are looking for you and what you can bring to them.

It's a matter of being clear about what you want to be found for, associated with and remembered for that makes all the difference if you get to where you want to be or if you stay where you are.


Your Brand. Your Life.

Take control over it.

If you want to start investing in your own career and personal development, in your own time and without risk to dedicate your time and money to the wrong direction, check out our new 100% online, practical and comprehensive impaCCCt Academy.

Petra Zink is a Coach, Speaker and Educator on all things Career & Personal Development, Branding, High Performance and Innovation.

She helps Companies and Senior Professionals to build strong Businesses and Careers by building and managing a strong an sustainable Brand.

Click here for more information.


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