The Talk
Tommy Maloney ????????????
Are you ready to unlock your potential and leave a meaningful legacy that will make you proud? Head to my calendar to get started|CVO|TEDx Speaker| Success Coach|5X Author|Dad
Do you remember the first TED Talk you ever watched or listen to? I do. The first TED Talk I watched was the Tony Robins one where they even broke the rule and gave him extra time so he could tell a story. I was hooked to watch not just the "famous" people but the ones who just had a message. Then from watching the talks I became fascinated with the "dot" the Red Dot of where you could go no further. What is this TED world all about I would think to myself. How does one ever get that chance? Could I ever stand on the Red Dot?
June 13 of this year I achieved my goal of planting my feet on that Red Dot and I will tell you I did not want to leave. I knew my closing had to start with 90 seconds left of my eight minute talk but I did not want it to end. Was it everything I dreamed of? I honestly can not tell you. What I mean is those eight minutes flew by. Those eight minutes were right up there as far as life changing moments as my son being born and getting fired from my first radio job. The highs are those first words coming out of your mouth and the low is when your time is up.
I am asked when people find out that I am now a TEDx speaker of not just the process but my process. The first part is having something to say. I know it sounds like "DUH" but honestly what is it that you want to share with the world? I do mean the world. My passion since 2008 has been dad rights and presenting that dads do matter in kids lives. Yes I have spoken on the "rubber chicken circuit" meaning talking to local service clubs. I have also been a member of both Toastmasters International and the National Speakers Association who have helped me craft my message. My writing process is well not so special. I jot down notes or points I want to bring up and I NEVER memorize my talks. I am blessed to be able to think on my feet quickly. My opening for my TEDx talk changed as I walked on stage because of the energy in the room. I could feel it was low so I needed to get the room lifted up. I do not prepare a lot but I run ideas through my head more then anything else. I am a contrarian when I do my talks because I love to be spontaneous. For you when crafting your speech you might practice a lot and for you that is great. I have to speak from the heart.
The opportunity all came about because of our business coach and Toastmasters. Both of those posted the link to the application and I filled it out and well waited. Receiving the first email stating I was on the short list was exciting. Then in November of 2014 I got the email I wanted and that was I was chosen. I have never won the lottery (nor will I play) but guessing that is how it feels knowing you have the winning ticket. Then reality sets in of knowing you have to "bring it" on that day. As I stated I am well pretty bad at the prep work but in this case I had to work at making this talk the best. I will give you one piece of advise and that is not to over think and stress yourself out. I know it is easy for me to say but it is true. Have with it. I did. Honestly did it create more speaking events for me? Nope but in time it will, at least I hope.
My hope for you is that if this is your goal to have the chance to stand on the Rd Dot with either a TEDx or TED Talk then may your goal come true. 1) Have a message. 2) Know you deserve to be on that stage. 3) Have fun. These are things I went through this past June. Your life may or may not change but maybe it is more of whats inside of changed and maybe that is meant for you to reflect on.
I am so blessed of had my opportunity and not only do I look forward to achieving the day when doing a TED Talk but maybe for you and I it is more about the journey. Who knows what the stars have in store for you but as I said I do hope you get that chance to live your dream goal. I had to go back and watch the video because honestly I was such in cruise control that I do not remember the talk. All I remember is coming off the stage thinking that I want to do another one and then another one. Heck who knows maybe someday someone will say to me that I was the first TEDx Talk they watched, it could happen.