Talk Tip: Are You Sorry Not Sorry?
Q: My boss wants me to stop apologizing every time someone asks me to clarify something in my presentation, and really anywhere else. I've managed to stop saying the word "sorry" but she says everything about me still says "sorry."
Maybe you're anxious. I'll bet you're polite. It sounds like "sorry" is one of your filler words. What it sounds like you are not, however, is sorry for doing something wrong, which is how your boss (and others?) are interpreting your use of the word. Here are some things you can do right now to stop presenting yourself as sorry to your audience when you aren't sorry like that.
Break the cycle
The first step to change is self-awareness, and behavioral change takes practice. To get you started:
Focus on the physical, too
Body language says a lot. It's part of the "everything about you" that your boss is referring to. Depending on where you want to focus, consider these brief articles:
When you're sorry, say so
The word "sorry" has great value and healing power when you use it to sincerely right a wrong. Don't toss it out of your vocabulary entirely. Decide when and where it will help your audience when you use the word.