Talk Tip: Slow Down
Q: I’m a fast talker. How do I slow it down when I’m presenting to a crowd?
Here’s something you can try: purposely add a brief pause after each sentence or two, and use the time to look at the people in your audience. Take in the body language. Are they registering what you’re saying? Or, do you need to probe for understanding or adjust how you’re presenting?
Your new pause habit will serve two purposes. First, it’s hard to keep a rapid pace when you add speed bumps. Second, purposefully checking in with the audience gets you out of your head and focused on what you’re there to do: to get people to think, feel, or do something.
Like any new habit, it’s going to be weird at first. You’re used to quickly processing information and blasting it out there. You might feel inauthentic. Keep at it until you find the right rhythm for you. Make pausing as much a win for you (polishing your public speaking style) as it is for them (making sure your audience gets what you’re trying to convey).
Talk Tip covers questions I’ve fielded during public speaking coaching, training, and mentoring sessions.?Read more Talk Tips?here
Love this Paula "Make pausing as much a win for you, as it is for your audience". Thanks for sharing your coaching tips!