Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype
Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype - Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype
Being able to talk to an online therapist is convenient and also very effective for most people. It is made very much more effective if you use a video platform like Skype or Zoom.
Online Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to work with your emotions through the application of mindfulness and compassion.
The main factor that prevents recovery from anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional suffering is the negative internal relationship we have with our thoughts, beliefs and painful emotions, based on aversion and avoidance.
Mindfulness Therapy, which is the practical application of Buddhist psychology, focuses on changing the internal relationship you have with your thoughts and emotions to a relationship based on conscious acceptance, compassion and intuitive wisdom, all of which are considered essential for?recovery from anxiety and depression.
This approach is significantly?different from clasical "talk therapy" and counseling, which may provide temporary relief from acute psychological problems but often does not heal the underlying cause of your suffering.
Online Mindfulness Therapy gives you the tools to promote healing, recovery and wellbeing and most people see dramatic changes after a few online therapy sessions.
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Speak to a therapist online for the treatment of anxiety and depression
Speak with a Therapist Online via Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post-traumatic stress.
Online psychotherapy is extremely effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist.
Contact me to find out more about this online counseling service and organize a Skype therapy session with me. Inquiries always welcome!
Everyone that I have helped over the years really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…
"After 8 years, two therapists, many self-help books… hypochondria and OCD was worse than ever. I figured I would just have to live like this and deal with it. I put on a good show in front of people and cried alone. Then, I stumbled upon Peter’s website. I figured this was my last attempt. Peter is kind, understanding, and patient. He helped guide me out of the dark and see the light. He is truly there to help. He never looks at his time during sessions. I would have to remind him that time is up. His rates are reasonable so everyone cam get proper therapy. He gave me practical tools to use to overcome my anxiety. He is always available via email for advice. He truly cares about the progress of his patients. Peter changed my life and gave me the chance to enjoy my life again. I am eternally grateful to him."
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Can I talk to a Psychotherapist Online?
Speak to a therapist online for the treatment of anxiety and depression
This Online Psychotherapy Service will allow you to speak to a therapist online to get help for treating anxiety, depression, addictions and other forms of emotional stress, without having to leave home. This is very convenient for most people, and for those suffering from agoraphobia or social anxiety, online psychotherapy sessions may be the only choice available.
Being able to talk to a psychotherapist online via Skype is also a wonderful option if you are living abroad or if you live in a rural area. There are now many online psychotherapists to choose from. Generally, I recommend that you interview the psychotherapist via email or an introductory Skype session to make sure that the therapist is a good match for you and that you feel comfortable talking to him or her.
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist living in Boulder, Colorado, and I offer Online Psychotherapy via Skype. Please contact me if you would like to speak with a therapist online.
Online therapy is a very convenient service if you live in a rural area or if you live abroad, or if you really prefer the convenience of being able to talk to a psychotherapist online via Skype. Most people prefer the greater privacy and anonymity of online therapy.
So, the style of psychotherapy that I provide and is described on my online therapy website is called Mindfulness Therapy. Now, this is a very exciting and very unique way of working with difficult emotions, including anxiety, depression and trauma. Mindfulness-based therapy is certainly one of the best approaches for overcoming anxiety and depression.
The Mindfulness approach is one of learning how to sit with your emotions, how to be present with your emotions without becoming reactive. It's the reactivity that stops emotions from healing, from changing and transforming. Mindfulness teaches us how to be with our emotions without becoming reactive, without becoming overwhelmed by the emotion, without becoming consumed by it. During our online therapy sessions I will teach you exactly how to do this.
Mindfulness Therapy is very good for working with anxiety and depression, or emotional stress or trauma, as I said. It is also very good for working with addictions. Addictions, as you know, are driven by very strong compulsive emotions, and to break free of these emotions requires that you learn how to sit with those same compulsive emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. This is a skill that I teach during online psychotherapy sessions.
If you would like to learn more about online psychotherapy via Skype, please go over to my online therapy website and read the pages on that site, watch the other videos that I have posted there and learn about this style of working with emotions. Then, if it you would like to talk to a therapist online, please CONTACT ME. I welcome your inquiries and I look forward to meeting you and helping you overcome your anxiety or depression through online psychotherapy via Skype.
Online Therapy is becoming increasingly popular these days since most of us have a computer and access to the internet.?
Skype, if you don't already know, is a free service that allows you to make video calls from one computer to another. In my experience, this is one of the best ways to talk to a therapist online. It feels the same as seeing a therapist in the office, except that you, the client, can call from home or from the office, or even from a hotel room if you are traveling.
Most people feel much more comfortable and relaxed calling from home, and it is certainly less embarrassing than waiting in the therapist's office. This is an important consideration if you are suffering from Social Anxiety or Agoraphobia. In fact, if you suffer from agoraphobia, then online therapy may be the only realistic alternative.
You may also live abroad, or live in a rural area in the US where there are no local therapists available, or that you would feel comfortable talking to.
Talking to an Online Therapist via Skype is also a great option for people who are a little uncomfortable with therapy and counseling in general. The internet option gives you more of a sense of power; that you have more control over the process.
The style of Online Therapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, a modern form of CBT, or Cognitive Therapy, that focuses on teaching you how to break free of those habitual patterns of emotional reactivity that cause our anxiety, depression and emotional stress. It is also a very compassionate approach that teaches you how to heal core emotions that have remained unresolved.
Talk with a Therapist Online over Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring medical treatment. Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to book a Skype therapy session with me.
The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong: Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home.?
Talk to an Online Therapist to Overcome Anxiety & Depression
People really like the convenience of online therapy and my clients like an approach that focuses on teaching practical mindfulness methods that you can apply by yourself...
If you would like to talk with a therapist online I invite you to go to my website and learn more about online psychotherapy via Skype.?
I find it very effective and most of my clients really enjoy the online therapy option. It's much easier and more convenient to talk to a therapist online and get help for your anxiety or depression or other emotional problems than it is to go to a therapist's office.?
It's also much less intimidating for most people. Most people find therapy via Skype to be considerably more comfortable. And this is really quite important because the success of your therapy sessions really largely depends on how comfortable you feel and how quickly you learn what is being taught.?
So during these online therapy sessions I try to really focus on teaching you practical skills and tools that you can apply yourself to help you overcome anxiety and depression, and also for working with addictions. Most of my clients suffer from anxiety so I really specialize in teaching mindfulness based methods for working with anxiety.?
During the therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome your anxiety or other emotional difficulties that you may be experiencing. The mindfulness based approach is very effective indeed and quite easy to learn and generally you can expect to see quite significant changes after the first few sessions.?
Even after the very first session you can expect to see quite dramatic changes and you will get the kind of tools that you can use between sessions to help improve your skills for managing your anxiety. And that's my goal is to give you the tools for working with your anxiety not to become reliant on a therapist and certainly not become reliant on medications.?
Medications to not treat the underlying cause of anxiety. At best they may provide a temporary reduction in the symptoms of anxiety, but they don't treat the underlying cause, so medication is not a long term solution. The only effective long term solution is to learn how to work with your mind, with the thoughts and beliefs, memories and habitual emotional reactivity that feeds your anxiety or depression or addiction.?
So if you'd like to learn more and you'd like to talk with a therapist online via Skype, simply go to my website and please email me if you have any questions and I'll be happy to schedule a trial Skype Therapy session with you, where we can explore some of these principles and I can get you started right away in learning how to apply mindfulness for overcoming your anxiety or depression. Thank you.?
See an online therapist for help with anxiety & depression
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which works extremely well online through Skype.
Skype Therapy is an excellent way of learning the strategies that you need to work with difficult emotions such as anxiety and depression or even addictions.
Because you can talk to each other and see each other, the quality of Skype therapy is really no different than being in an office with a psychotherapist. I offer both in-person psychotherapy and also online Skype therapy and quite frankly I prefer Skype therapy.?
Clients seem to do better with this format because they tend to feel more empowered, more in control of the process; they are less intimidated and feel more at ease. It is particularly useful if you are seeking more anonymity, more privacy in your work with a therapist.
Being able to talk to a therapist online from your own home is also, of course, very much more comfortable for you and this will improve the quality of psychotherapy.
The Mindfulness Therapy that I offer is extremely effective for anxiety and also depression. It's a way of helping you break free from those patterns of habitual reactivity that feed anxiety and depression. That's the biggest problem that most people deal with and breaking free from those habitual patterns is what really makes the difference, and there is nothing better than Mindfulness Therapy for doing that.
CBT is also a good choice; you should look at that as well. CBT is excellent for working with reactive thoughts, but Mindfulness Therapy is best if you want to work with the emotions themselves.
If you would like to learn more about Skype Therapy, simply go to my website and read the pages on the website and watch the other videos that are posted on my YouTube Channel and CONTACT ME when you would like to schedule a Skype Therapy session.
So, I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to working with you and helping you overcome those patterns of habitual reactivity that may cause your anxiety or depression. Thank you!?
Online Mindfulness-based Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression
So if you're interested in Mindfulness Therapy and you would like to talk to a psychotherapist like myself who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy for treating anxiety and depression then do please go to my website, learn more about this service and contact me if you would like to schedule some online therapy sessions with me.?
So I offer online Mindfulness Therapy using Skype. Skype is important. It makes online therapy much more effective when you can see each other. When you can see each other then there's really no difference between Skype Therapy when compared to meeting a therapist in person.?
So Mindfulness Therapy is quite different than conventional talking therapy or counseling that you may have already tried. The whole focus in Mindfulness Therapy is changing the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression or addiction or whatever form of emotional suffering that you may have.?
There's always an underlying process, a psychological process going on that produces that emotional state, and most of the time we are not really very aware of how we create anxiety or depression. It becomes an automatic habit and like all habits it operates out of consciousness, so we're not really aware of how it works.?
The whole purpose Mindfulness Therapy is to look very carefully inside to see how it works, to see how the mind creates anxiety or depression or any other form with emotional suffering. And the primary way to do this is through learning how to meditate on our emotions. So this is quite a novel concept for many people. They don't normally think about meditating on their emotions. People are more likely to want to escape from their emotions. But it is very clear from the work that I have done over the years, that the primary problem for healing is avoidance and also aversion, hating the internal emotional pain.?
When me react to painful emotions with avoidance or with aversion then that has the definite effect of reinforcing that emotional suffering and the habit that produces it. So in mindfulness we learn how to change our relationship to any emotions that are creating pain. You learn how to form a conscious and non-reactive relationship with them. That's the most important first step in helping them heal. So we do this by meditating on our emotions.?
We bring the emotion into the mind. Imagining it, but on purpose and on our terms, which is quite different than the normal habitual reaction. We look at it and the first thing we look for is the constellation of reactive thoughts, habitual reactive thoughts, that feeds the anxiety or depression.?
So thoughts are essentially a form of fuel that feeds the emotional suffering. Thoughts to not cause anxiety or depression, they feed it. Now when we learn how to see these thoughts clearly then we can begin to change our relationship to them and overcome this habit of identifying with those thoughts and beliefs that tend to feed the underlying suffering.?
So breaking the habit of reactive identification is a key feature of mindfulness training and therapy. We can hold the emotion in the mind. We can hold the constellation of thoughts in the mind and not become overwhelmed by them, not become a prisoner of those mental objects.?
So developing this objectivity is essential for healing and it's a central focus of Mindfulness Therapy. I will train you how to do this.It Is really quite surprising. It's not that difficult.?
So if you would like to speak with a therapist online via Skype then please send me an email and let's schedule a session.
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