One of the cool things about the common honey bee is that it is truly universal. Its Latin name is Apis Mellifera and it can be found in every country and continent in the world with the exception of Antartica.
That is one of the reasons that I wasn't all that surprised when asked to be a guest on a talk show heard on a network of radio stations through out Europe. The interview originated in Spain and was broadcast on English speaking stations throughout Europe.
I particularly enjoyed the colourful host Dave Hodgson, who was a rock-em sock-em DJ kind of announcer with a ton of energy. He squeezed the attached 12-minute interview in-between a song by Shania Twain "Honey I'm Home" and Abba "Honey Honey". I loved his "Top 40 Radio" rapid fire style and we had some laughs while I got to promote my new book Show Me the Honey.
Thanks to my hard working and well connected Publisher TouchWood Editions for setting up the interview. Here it is:
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