Talk on Plex API's - PowerPlex 2020
May 15, 2020; Harsha Marigowda, Founder/MD of mVerve
PowerPlex 2020 is an Annual Plex [ERP to power smart manufacturing solutions] conference that brings together Plex users, Implementation partners, Software Developers, Product Managers, Marketeers in Detroit. This year due to Covid-19, the event is being conducted completely online.
Our firm, mVerve has partnered with DKM Inc (US based Plex implementation partner) since 2017 as Plex integration and enhancement specialists. We have specifically worked on leveraging Plex API's capabilities to develop smart web and mobility solutions.
I had an opportunity to co-present a talk yesterday (May 14th) on extending the use of Plex API's while developing a Single-page Bulk- PO Update Web App for Romeo Power, a Plex Customer, also based in California.
The talk specifically focused on how our usage of Plex API's and the Web App which consumed them solved a lengthy legacy procurement process involved in them updating Purchase Order details related to their Bill of Materials (BOM).
The Application that we built effectively leveraged both the legacy API's provided by Plex as well as their API's-on-demand (HTTP Data source API's) services.
All in all, the App was designed in 2 weeks time and we achieved a go-live time frame of 6 weeks.
Advantages of deploying our App using Plex API's
- Romeo Powers, procurement team members have a single place to update multiple records for BOMs that are many times consisting of 400+ parts
- Click reduction of ~67% and a Page Load Reduction of ~ 60%
Please feel free to read our presentation prepared jointly by mVerve and it's partners, DKM and RomeoPower,
About Us: mVerve is an Enterprise Mobility Solutions firm delivering digital transformation solutions to our global clientele since 2013.
Please feel free to reach out through email, if your firm has any ERP, Mobile/Web Technology implementation requirements. Contact details below:
India *********** Harsha Marigowda; Founder/MD, mVerve Email: [email protected] Skype: harsha.marigowda1 Web: USA ******** Ganesh Balasubramani, Principal- DKM Inc. Email: [email protected]