Talk to people.  Try it, just try talking to - people. Then ...

Talk to people. Try it, just try talking to - people. Then ...

Talk. Try it, just try talking too - people. Then, Listen, Listen hard, too People...

You see, its happened again. I recently posted about some conversations I had on holiday. I met three lovely people all in business and in different sectors, so I talk to them and listen so I understand more about them their work and their business sector, I love it and you learn so much. Here's a link to the article

"Let them buy" was the three word piece of advice from a wonderful man who was an elderly Norfolk Farmer. Boom, there it was everything I train, summed up in three words, and he had been practicing this before I was born!! If we are honest with ourselves, there's little new in this world, just need to pay a little more attention to the history of ... things.

Anyway, blow me if it hasn't happened again, this weekend I was at a Christmas Social Gathering (as they are called in LinkedIn, or a party if your reading the Facebook version of this post). I was talking to one of the 'Characters' in my community, a village elder cut from hugely different cloth than me, we get on fabulously but couldn't be more different characters. I am logically minded and into science and technology, my companion that evening is artistic, musical, flamboyant an entertainer who is a walking curiosity shop and a wonderful storyteller with many many stories to share. Yes, we are very different. But we get along great, we share many many values.

He is also a shrewd businessman, another septuagenarian, who, once again enthusiastically shared his wisdom with me. And, BOOM, another pearl was handed over.

We were talking about business, the economy and speculating on the future... It was a longgg chat ;) I told him about my work and my passion for growing businesses, leveraging Social Media to get new leads and accelerate sales, etc. He loved it and was asking all the right questions. Then he said it...

"You know the only thing, possibly, more important than getting new customers? F****** off the S**** existing customers!"

The sanitized version might be -

"You know the only thing, possibly, more important than getting new customers? GETTING RID of the BAD existing customers!"

He is right, of course he is. Remember at the top I say Listen, Listen Hard, anyone that's been in business for over 55 years has a lot to share and teach us.

If Pareto's law applies to your business, you know the one - 80% of your customers bringing in 20% of your money... Change that. Save yourself time, stress and ... money by walking away from toxic or excessively high demanding clients.

Reading the written words it is a no-brainer, but in practice, when business is tight and however demanding the client is - you need the income, it's not so easy. Of course not, so ... plan for it. Each time you close a new 'good' client who value's what you do (because let's face it the 'bad' customers that take advantage of you and your good will - don't value what you do!) then let the worst client go. Over time, maybe a couple of years, you migrate more and more towards working with customers you like and who like you and value what you do. Boom, its a self-fulfilling prophecy -

  • You save time, getting back capacity you could use on TWO or THREE new clients.
  • You get paid, on time, no fuss.
  • You have healthier margins, there still needs to be value but these clients want you to succeed and stick around.
  • You enjoy your business and have great relationships with your clients. Business should be fun.

Don't stop marketing, getting leads and closing new business - but make the MOST of these new clients and seize opportunities to cut costs and improve your work life by reviewing your existing client base each time a new account comes on board.

Can't wait to meet my next septuagenarian business person - hope they will be gracious and patient enough to talk to me.


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