Talk to me - The best YouTuber film out there.
Talk to me is a film written and directed by Danny and Michael Phillipou. They are more commonly known on YouTube as RackaRacka. The brothers created this film during the lockdowns, which brought challenges of its own. Making any film with major restrictions hits hard. However, against the odds, they managed to finish their project. Talk to Me film is your standard low budget indie horror film.?The film is based on stories of demonic possession just like a lot of other horror movies. Now, when i was thinking about my video on this film, i was struck with the memory of the film Flatliners - what if you could contact the world of the dead through risky actions? Talk to me is that but a little bit different.
So what is the film actually about? Well, it starts off with a house party where one blonde guy called Cole is trying to find his brother Duckett. Cole eventually finds Duckett locked in a room. We see him with deep cuts all over his body, which proves Duckett has clearly gone through some freaky stuff. Suddenly, Duckett stabs his brother and then ends himself. It's a shocking introduction to the film. The beginning does leave you wondering what in the world drove this madness to happen between brothers? We do get to know further on in the film, thankfully. An important question left unresolved is one of the worst things in a film.
The story then introduces us to Mia, a student character who seems to be feeling empty. We understand this from her being at a graveyard memorial service for her mother. She exudes the essence of being on the clouds. This is further seen by the distance in relationship with her father. Because of this, she seeks refuge with her best friend Jade and her family, almost becoming a second older sister.
After the dismal proceedings Mia had to endure, she was up for some excitement to drown out her worries. Cue the hand of possession! After watching some TikTok videos of other students supposedly getting possessed by a ceramic hand, Mia is determined to get involved in some excitement. So, they hop over to the next house Party with a sinister twist just so they can decipher whether saying 'Talk to me' to a demonic hand truly connects you to spirits. It becomes apparent that a porcelain hand does not lie!
Now, what is interesting about this scene comes from a directorial standpoint. Both Danny and Michael stated that, 'the idea of touching the demonic hand is a visual and metaphorical representation of young people clinging on to un-natural things to escape or get high on, almost forgetting about reality.'
Needless to say, shit goes down very fast. Stupidly, Mia lets Jade's younger brother have a go at touching the hand of the devil, but it goes wrong and the boy suffers a lot to the point that he is pretty much dead. Following on from this, with Mia becoming too addicted to the hand, with her seeing spirits and connecting to the spirit world with ease, she feels determined to save Jade's brother from its torment. Sadly, when you mess with demons and spirits there is a price to pay (and Mia pays the price).
All in all, this is by far the best film created by any YouTuber, and i'd highly recommend this film if you're into the style of A24 indie horror films. If not, then there are plenty other films i'd gladly recommend.