Talk about introversion and extroversion

Talk about introversion and extroversion

Introvert or extrovert? What kind of personality do you like?

First of all, the character is relatively introverted or extroverted, and there is no clear definition for introverts and extroverts. Among the introverts, there are people with bad moral qualities. On the contrary, not all extroverts are with good moral qualities. Both introverts and extroverts have their advantages and disadvantages because there is no perfect person in the world.

Extroverts are usually outgoing and easy to talk to other persons, and much more sociable. No matter where they go, people hear their voices before they show up. They are straightforward and speak casually, so others are not easy to feel distant from them. Many extroverts are not careful enough. Sometimes they say what they want to say without thinking, which can also hurt others' feelings inadvertently.

Introverts are usually not talkative and a bit shy. They would not deliberately get close to others, and they are not into pretentious statements. Most of them hide emotions and points of view in their hearts and are not into expressing them directly. Some people even think severely introverted persons as a bit dull. Most introverts are more circumspective and consider issues carefully. So they sometimes tend to be indecisive.

During my career period in the past years, people who don't know much about me usually define me as an introvert. Friends who know about me say that I am a neutral personality, neither introverted nor extroverted. I know in my heart that I don't like to please others deliberately.

In my school days, there are always students who are outgoing and flattering teachers. Because they fawn upon teachers, these classmates often make a good impression on the teachers and are often praised. Relying on the teachers' backing, they often form gangs among students, bully the weak, giving other classmates nicknames, and say bad things about others. Many classmates with similar personalities like me are uncomfortable and reluctant to participate in them. We were young then, but I still feel them " very bad" in my heart.

In the process of growing up, my mother would often "educate" me:"You should learn Zhang San and Li Si from our village. They are so good at talking. When they talk, their eyes are even turning. They seem so prudent. Why can't you learn something? If you don't know how to flatter your teacher, and you don't speak nicely, how can you be successful in the future?"

I couldn't fully understand the meaning at that time. But in retrospect, this kind of education and views are one-sided and a bit sad.

Not only my mother thinks this way, but many parents seem to hold this view. In their eyes, extroverts are more welcomed nowadays. So many parents expect their children to be talkative and outgoing.

Therefore, from the beginning of kindergarten, children who behave positively and speak well are welcomed and often praised. Some children learn at an early age to read adults' minds and always talk in a roundabout way. Adults would often boast: This kid is too smart, and he must be promising in the future!

However, I found that few people would think and say that these children are not as simple as they should be at their age.

So many people label these children who are praised often and regarded as typical "high emotional intelligence" unconsciously. I have to say that "high emotional intelligence" is a popular term now. A child's high EQ is something that parents should be proud of, and an adult's high EQ seems to be enviable.

People with high EQ know what to say when they meet different people, and they can cope with it easily in any situations. A high-EQ person manifests as not going straight and taking care of your feelings when getting along with them. Emotional intelligence is high also can be seen as outwardly pleasant, but it’s hard for other people to figure out the genuine thoughts and intentions of his heart.

It is no doubt due to many people pursue high EQ that many similar books and arguments (or "chicken soup") have appeared in society. Many people spend a lot of money to participate in various courses. They learn how to get along with others. They figure out how to cope with social occasions. They study the psychology of other people and strive to be a lovely and exquisite"good person" to attract other people.

Some people imitate this person's speech and behavior today, learning that person's style of work tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, they break through themselves to become an extroverted socialist. But some eventually become ignorant of themselves and live very tiredly.

At the same time, there are various misunderstandings about introverts. Some people think that introverts are difficult to get along with; Some people feel that introverts are not suitable for leadership. Some even judge that introverts have social barriers. Even some introverts don't like their character.

First of all, introverts prefer to think independently. They are more tend to bear their emotions rather than trouble their relatives and friends. Because they consider issues carefully, their feelings are more delicate. Once you make friends with them, they would be very attentive and don’t hurt you. It is a different concept from that introverts are difficult to get along.

Secondly, introverts are more willing to listen to others without rushing to interrupt them and are good at thinking carefully while listening. They are usually calm and steady in many situations. Compared with those boastful and talkative people, their integrity and orderliness are often more convincing.

Many successful people who have done great things are introverted. Like politicians Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, Washington, Lincoln, etc., scientists Einstein, Newton, etc., entrepreneurs Li Ka Shing, Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford, Gates, Buffett, and so on. Therefore, it is a misunderstanding that introverts are not suitable for leadership.

In the end, like extroverts, introverts also have emotions and desires, and they eat whole grains too. Introversion and extroversion are just different in character. Extroverts prefer to socialize, but it does not mean that introverts have social barriers.

Social Disorder is characterized by the involuntary feeling of nervousness and fear when interacting with others (especially in public situations), resulting in confusion, incoherent speech, and even severe fear of meeting people. It's called Social anxiety disorder. It includes social-psychological disorders, social functional disorders, and social anxiety disorders.

Therefore, those who think that introverts have social barriers are very one-sided and unreasonable. Many introverts prefer to be alone and are not particularly interested in crowded and lively public occasions.

No two leaves are the same, and no two fingerprints are the same. Everything on the earth has its advantages and disadvantages, which are related to each other and restrict each other. They constitute a rich and colorful world together.

There are no two people who are 100% the same in appearance and personality. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Whether introverted or extroverted, we all have our advantages and disadvantages. One cannot one-sidedly say that extroversion is fantastic, and introversion must be terrible.

People are born with many genes that cannot change throughout a lifetime. No matter what kind of personality, first learn to accept and appreciate yourself. Accept your appearance and character, and also know about your strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, get used to accepting and gratitude all people around you. Accept their personality and shortcomings from a deep heart. Don't criticize other people's morals or abuse others.

Learn to be a man first before doing things.


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