That talk...
Emily Rogers
Founder The Leap To Lead - Transition and Leadership Coach - Speaker - Podcast host - Empowering individuals and organisations to reach their full potential
Have you had the sex talk with your kids yet? My sister in law has just had a baby girl, she was pregnant over the summer while we were visiting. This raised a whole lot of questions, so we decided the time was right to explain it all to the girls (6 and 8 years).
I didn’t do it alone (although hubby was happy to be at work!) I used a book “The Amazing True Story of How Babies are Made”. We sat down together, I didn’t read the book completely, we talked through the pictures and discussed broadly the concepts. Then I left the book with the girls to read in their own time and come and ask us any questions they may have.
I did caution them, that it is a private discussion and not to be shared at school. I told them that not all parents are ready to tell their kids the story.
Reflecting, it’s gone really well for us, not nearly as awkward and embarrassing as I thought it would be. And their questions are genuine. They were ready!
Are your kids ready? How do you think you will tackle it?