Talk about Chauvinism, Public-Spirit.
This Republic Day 26th Jan 2022 was a moment of pride and glory for every Indian Citizen. Most of the news channels highlighted what was new in this Republic day celebration. Honorable Prime Minister started the ceremony by inaugurating National War Museum conveying a message we made the transition from colonial India to Republic India. Through this article, I would like to gather the attention of the readers that in our day-to-day life, we often discuss the responsibilities that we handle as a citizen, we usually complain about the changes that government should ponder upon which is indeed true, but when it comes to talking about patriotism, the celebration of events like National Festivals (Republic Day, Independence Day,... etc) enthusiasm is lacking in Gen Y and Z. Although, In 2022 Indian celebrities Aishwarya Rai Bachan, Akshay Kumar participated in Republic Day celebration. Reliance Foundation School celebrated this glorious day. I remembered the golden time when students were regularly going to school and colleges, where there was a proper regime of celebrating the National Festival. Children, teachers and their parents too feel that it is not less than our usual festivals like Holi and Diwali. But, today WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and many more social media which even I am not aware of are flooded with kinds of messages but youth are feeling shy to "Wish Happy Republic day" or "Jai Hind."
We often mortify Government organizations, Government schools, and colleges but these dominions are still holding the tradition of celebrating the National Festival. Due to this pandemic situation, students are still attending the Flag Hoisting ceremony through Google meetings or some other platform but not zoom. Few videos were uploaded on Instagram from some prominent institutes in India such as IITs, IIMs, NITs, or any government regulatory body where there were a flag hoisting ceremony and students participated enthusiastically.
If we compare the ratio of youth, and youth participating in celebrating the National Festival is very less. When we give a message of Happy Republic Day in our Whatsapp group we see one or two replies of the same. When we give a message of Happy Birthday in the group, we see replies about the same from everyone even if we are not personally benefitted from it. Is it not the responsibility of every Indian citizen that when we wish, we should have a feeling of pride!!
We have high expectations from Government. From the celebration of National Festival to building infrastructure for medical facilities, removing reservation and never-ending list, but are we even participating in the celebration of National festival, we are not even wishing and I am sure many of from the present generation are running so fastly towards the materialistic life that they even won't be aware of the history of Republic.
I feel that youth is the face of the nation. So, the first step should be taken from the present generation for the change. We talk about Politicians and dud politics and bring the change, who stopped any youth to participate in domestic affairs. Manohar Parikar and Shreedharan are examples who brought the change in a positive way. We compare the amenities in developed countries and our country, why don't we participate in talks about the patriotism feeling that individual of a developed nation is holding in their heart and us. When it comes to talking about Armed Force the count of army per man is very less. Few countries enforce their citizen to serve in the army for a fixed tenure and we Indian are free to choose our area of interest in our career. It's the responsibility of youth to talk about the changes and implement the same. Most Indian MNCs participate in celebrating the National Festival, but Indian citizens working in foreign MNC should also participate in celebrating National Festivals when Indian residing in any country celebrate their Republic Day or Independence Day. The career field in Politics is reservation-free, where youth can come and make their career. These days institutions also have their own parties like SFI, KSU, and ABVP. When we are carrying on the entire responsibility of being an Indian citizen, then we should expect from the government whether the Government is taking care of their citizen or not. Last but not least it's not the responsibility of the Government only to build the National war Museum, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose statue and celebrate National Festival, its the responsibility of every Indian also to participate equally in National Events.