Tales From An Agent's Daughter
Women and Finance
What do we as women worry about the most when it comes to finances? Well, I can tell you that women tend to have different worries than men when it comes to money. It’s just how we are wired. Here are the top three financial concerns for most women….
1. Women are way more likely than men to take career breaks. They usually are the ones to stay home with the kids or care for elderly parents. This time away from career can create a lot of problems when it comes to finances. By staying home with the kids, a women will lose benefits and potentially lower their social security retirement benefit. They may even have a hard time finding a new job and getting back into the game once the kids are older.
2. I know that it’s 2021 and I know that some will say that women are dominating the work force, but women still make less than men. Just that alone causes a financial worry for women that men don’t have.
3. Statistically, women outlive their male counterparts, making it tougher to stretch that retirement dollar. Also, living longer may raise you chances of having to need long-term care and we all know how much money that can cost.
So, what can we do to alleviate the stress of financial worry? First, you’re going to need life insurance and the advice of a great financial advisor. With a little planning and some strategic investing, you will be able to give yourself the confidence of knowing that your future is set.