tales of cities - prep glasgow nov 2021 cop26, unga76
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
covid immunity experiences
mild covid probably makes immunity from serious illness for 6 months; ditto 1-shot vaccines; 9 months 2 shot vaccines - if you have seen better data please post bookmarks
3.3 in the early1980s a billion asian women started to share ideas on developing futures their kids needed most- last mile vaccination continent wide was one of the skills they chose to network first ref 3.3 - if i were to want a 5 minute update lesson on vaccine i would sr=tart with larry briillant's twitters - who you?
source of covid - blind watchmaker media notes 1
forward to 2021 aug- rsvp [email protected] if you have a link to a different summary on covid19- it seems that todays best vaccines may only last 8 months (less good vaccines last shorter- politics seems to be obscuring which is which but so far duration seems to be the main variable); vaccine prevent almost everyone from death or needing hospital but not from being infected and spreading-- the richest nations still havent explained the production costs of making say 15 billion vaccinations a year and distribution to every inhabited place; covid will be with us throughout the 2020s unless world leaders choose to collaborate; as far as i can see we have the tech but not the human will; this doesnt only apply to covid but many other climate or natural challenges and increasingly what knowhow schools hare with our children
according to eg german tv expert interviews update it seems that double vaccination means you are 90% likely to not feel ill with covid but that figure is as variable by age group as covid was originally- so if you are over 80 and if you live in a state which isnt 60% vaccinated be careful- its also significant one of japans most purposeful companies has pulled all advertising from the olympics which it has been major sponsor of - mr bach needs to clarify at what stage does he become criminally liable for extra deaths -after all he declated from germany that whatever stage of emergency japanese people were nder he would bubble a safe games with 100% certitude- hail bach - eg over 100- ?
update 11 july asians as two thirds of humans need one reliable knowhow channel on covid - we suggest @myUNuslab 35s #japangoldthanks hope that olympic gold winners who want to be celebrated beyond sport invite japan to form special gold club issuing best borderless advice on covid , climate- asian 66% of humans need gold trust channel =more
EVEN ASIAN COUNTRIES THAT quarantined and locked out covid now seem to realise only double vaccination of your whole population will end covid- what nobody knows is does the whole world need to be doubly vaccinated within one year- this question is raised by the fact that at least one world leading vaccination is applying to offer 3rd vaccination; in many ways this doubt couldnt come at worse time -supplies bought up by rich country's highst bidders and idea that india could lead manufacturing supply for most of world has been delayed for most of a year as india discovered it need huge supplies for its own battle ; it seems THE DIFFERENT TECH USED BY MODERNA AND PFIZER IS RANKED BEST so far covering even delta variant; we dont know of evidence that anyone double vaccinated by j&j or astra has lost a life - however as yet those traveling to usa with astra are not recognised as vaccinated - there has also been some reporting of about 20 deaths in indonesia of medical workers who thought they were doubly vaccinated with china's sinovac- we would caution in interpreting this- all along there has been a possibility that quantity times duration of exposure is not fully understood; clearly the biggest quantity is the hspital worker in a delta over-run hospital; it wouldn't be shocking unless more is published to recommend such heores get 3 vaccinations a year of modera/pfizer
[email protected] -f you think our summary is wrong please send bookmark we should publish here:
update 9 july head of gates foundation mark suzman explained delays in covvax distribution - eg india needing produce for itself- implied covvax expects to distribute 2 billion by end 2021
updates 8 july abc pfizzer now says 3td vaccine does 6 months after second makes you 5 to 10 times safer from delta -see
olympics has become a negative equity brand - wonder why asians dont demand to take it over for a dollar - see exists for those who want to end covid -whilst we are happy to be told of other solutions the only one currently visible way ahead in 2021 requires vaccinating all 7.5 billion people within the same 12 months (ok maybe babies dont need it. we havent found an expert prepared to bet their own life on vaccine lasting more than 12 months- send us updating links [email protected]
help us search for good & bad news of mixing covid doses- good is it seems to work; bad if the rich hoard all sors of covid cocktails- tell us if you see a relevant report eg science june maybe we all can gain from understanding which vaccines are different and which similar in the way they fight covid and hopefully make your body healthier
may's nature summarises how world leaders failed the peoples as nature's covid struck back but under-estimates human costs by at least 10 fold in our estimates (?discuss -ref impacts on sustainability's 30 deepest peoples nets)- its earlier report on what it will take to vaccinate the world is useful-
join us at or to discuss the original agenda of cop26 - youth last's best chance of not being destroyed by climate - onward for those concerned with endings to covid
if engineers give one sdg solution a priority why not nationwide vaccination - engineer abed made this one of his fort 3 priorities in empowering village women to nation build- fortunately unicef janes grant and a host of his epidemiologist friends agreed - this was early 1980s- lets hope g7 leaders have the courage to remedy every part of their nations systems that havet yet valued that
catalogue of women empowerment most valued sdg networks- evidence base billion poorest women -
4/15 update -good to know collaborations like cog-uk exist rsvp [email protected] if you have a good to know nomination - nature today published some important news ; last night americans were told an inconvenient truth- what used to be ranked number 1 health service in world for making a pandemic unwelcome- is one of the worst in the world per dollar spent - in sharing data needed to understand bad vaccine side effects- there's not enough public system- when a side effect like one in a million bad responses to j&j vaccine is found it takes experts weeks to estimate if thats the full estimate because so much depends on doctors choosing to report and where they report to isnt that streamlined- so at a time when the odds look like its 10000 times safer to get j&j vaccinated than not- the count is still going on like some state vote with 20 trump induced recounts- lets be clear its still the case get vaccinated is our last best chance of the 2020s not becoming covids decade- in the event that risk of vaccines swings a different way, we'll update=======
people we trust most on vaccine advice larry brilliant; bill and melinda gates ... who do you trust ? RSVP [email protected] see also most uptodate who summit 9/4
we assume vaccine distribution equality is one of top 5 action agenda 2020s youth need to be sustaianable- below we make a diary on mapping this with special thanks to bloggers at what do you see as other top 5 collaboration movements 2020s youth need to hub and shape? [email protected] -linkedin
after 34 million vaccinations 164 blood clots 9 deaths - for anyone over 30 zeneca is best ifyou can get it -in fact it is unclear this blood clot rate is higher than happens in non-vaccinated population
pbs risk from flying of blood clots about 25 times more!
conversely if young chance of death from covid as little as 1 in million -so if it wasnt for risk of infecting elders - can anyone answer which vaccine you should take?
4/7 update if you are under 30 one out of many thousand people taking astra zeneca may have side-effects to monitor- you are still far more likely to be killed in a riad accident or by not being vaccinated -meanwhile it is time that the usa gave its huge stockpile of astra zeneca to other countries if it is not going to use it- it is still the case with the possible exception of a chinese vaccine that astra zeneca is going to save more lives than other vaccines because its cheaper, its distribution needs is normal; its been licensed to largest vaccine makers eg india
wanted journalisats not sponsored by nations
let us assume its obvious why wuhan market was a super spreader for animals/humans- hugely crowded indoor space where aerosol transmits- that does not explain the origin - 2 MAIN ORIGIN HYPOTHESES: ultimately nature did it or badly managed labs did it- just as badly managed anthrax labs did in usa 2001; who are the investors and countries badly managing this? lets be clear how much wuhan research had joint usa support- it would seem blindingly obvious that the idea of covid as a chinese state secret is fake- wuhan bless its long suffering citizens is where china des its leading edge research -comments welcome [email protected] bethesda md
President, World Bank Group
Director-General, World Health Organization
Director General, World Trade Organization
Executive Director, UNICEF
CEO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
CEO, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
Former Prime Minister of Norway; Former Director-General, World Health Organization
Managing Director of Operations, World Bank
Executive Director of Global Programmes, Save the Children UK
Deputy CEO, Cerba HealthCare
Managing Director and Executive Vice President, IFC
Managing Director, Development Policy and Partnerships, World Bank
Head of COVID-19 Crisis Management, International Committee of the Red Cross
Posted by?chris macrae?at?4:15 PM?No comments:??Email This
Thursday, April 1, 2021
WHAT HAPPENS TO?Cassandras when their warnings become reality? If you are epidemiologist Larry Brilliant, you work to?mitigate a situation?that would not have?been so terrible?if people had listened to you in the first place. Pre-Covid Brilliant, along with many of his peers, had been ringing the alarm on pandemics in op-eds, a much-viewed?TED talk, and a tragically prophetic horror movie he advised on called?Contagion. In the last year, Brilliant—best known for his work in helping to eradicate smallpox—has been active in helping people understand Covid-19, as founder and CEO of?Pandefense Advisory.
Now, along with noted epidemiologist Ian Lipkin and Pandefense Advisory colleagues Lisa Danzig and Karen Pak Oppenheimer, he has?proposed a plan?to help us avoid an unnecessarily lengthy recovery. Basically, Brilliant and his coauthors are instructing us to discard the panacea of herd immunity and gird ourselves for localized combat against a virus that produces ever more infectious variants. Ultimately, Brilliant envisions a framework that will not only get us to normalish but also position us to fend off pandemics to come.
Posted by?chris macrae?at?7:02 AM?No comments:??Email This
Friday, March 19, 2021
Read more:?The coronavirus is here to stay — here’s what that means?(Nature | 11 min read)
Posted by?chris macrae?at?1:21 PM?No comments:??Email This
Thursday, March 18, 2021
?what happens when one life saving vaccine is many times cheaper than its rivals? if you find any public servants unfairly suggesting the cheaper vaccine has a problem while not comparing other vaccines- those people must be at minimum fired disgraced, and?jailed wherever they have caused deaths
Posted by?chris macrae?at?10:27 AM?No comments:??Email This
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
?as 69.75 year old living near usa national institute of health got my first vaccine YESTERDAY
here are my ratings - montgomery county one of most expensive in usa 0/10 for organising queues by which i mean top people like governor had months to design something better than asking over 65 year olds to check 100 different pharmacist online queues -at least 40 hours of my time wasted- i cannot see how maryland's governor sees his seat as tenable
vaccinators - very decent nurses - less problem with modena than vaccines i usually need to travel to poorest places
cdc does an excellent daily interview online on symptoms?
if you want to share vaccine experiences please say if you want you commemts published here and if so what contact point you would like me to quote
Posted by?chris macrae?at?
Monday, March 15, 2021
?barbara parfitt -?grameen nurse unilever small business award
Posted by?chris macrae?at?7:46 AM?No comments:??Email This
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
update from - olympics committee chooses china's vaccines for summers sports stars-?
23 hours ago —?president, Thomas Bach, announced on Thursday that?China?had agreed to provide coronavirus?vaccines?for any participant requiring one ahead?...
china not the enemy - global consultancies may have been
when it comes to scale we're probably all dependent on india and china vaccine manufacturing?- ask the top global consultancy boutiques - we know they made?eg1?the logistics maps that global medicine applied- well thats when they weren't mapping how to drown peoples in opioids- when it comes to ruling world trade with drugs it seems that the white mindset has not learnt a fig since 1860 opium wars
may 2021 update to share china observers perspectives from the beijing suburb where quarter a million youth study entrepreneurship
may 6 thinkinchina debates - can china save the?olympics?and?youth's?world with vaccine-?join ThinkINchina for a new online event with Professor Huang Yanzhong, senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations, director of global health studies at Seton Hall University’s School of Diplomacy and International Relations, and author of?Toxic Politics: China’s Environmental Health Crisis and Its Challenge to the Chinese State. On our website, you'll find the?reports?of all our?past events, and since right now we cannot organize live events in Beijing, the online talks we started to organize in December have been recorded and uploaded on our?YouTube channel. Register on Evenbrite
for a list of other debates you dont often know exist if censored by washington dc mindsetes - see 1 ...future search : 1
so sad india can be the world's largest vaccine manufacturer but may be last to resolve covid
The Indian vaccine-maker may account for almost half the world’s supply
Posted by?chris macrae?at?5:34 PM?No comments:??Email This
Older Posts from
3/24 update on the worlds favorite vaccine - as far as i can see asta zeneca will save more lives than any vaccine - its true the data on likely distribution of the chinese vaccines is still to be carified - if you think another vaccine is actually going to stop more people from being killed by covid- tell us your bookmark and contact point
azd1222 news - searches astra @ india-100 million @peru ...
more updates at : j21 estonia/iceland j21 why didnt anyone ask amazon help earlier
welcome to where friends of 20 million diaspora scots though we were trying to share best local intel on going green but now want to help celebrate best place movements of astra zeneca and other covid vaccines which are best value because they can be distributed like othr mass vaccines at normal temperatures
please tell us if you see astra-type vaccines in communities near you and who is celebrating sharing this with your people -lets make a hall of fame out of local heroines - [email protected]
============================== previous diary intel gathering continues 81 ways to save youth's world - see you glasgow 6 nov 2021 - glasgow union building - queries [email protected]
top of the world to you- can you help 7.5 billion peoples linkin to glasgow-54 weeks & counting -cheers [email protected] :: linkedin unwomens :: 20 Smithian- Economist co-blogs eg UN:: Scotland ::Asia::: where two thirds live america where 4% took over purpose of English and bordered off those who celebrated 3 of the 4 romance language- french to the ice-melting north, spanish and portuguese to the central and southern latitudes
those of you who have studied - let alone waved entrepreneurial revolutionary opportunities around - the warped eccentricities of the english rulinG mindset may know of 2 of the most famous cultural stories not written by the bard himself- chaucer's canterbury tales and dickens tales of 2 cities when those capitals sought to empire over the industrial revolution
can those of us who hope nov 2021 will be turning point for every live matters as well as climate mash up both of these mediation processes to invite glasgow to be the right time place people social actions in ways that no other legislative capital is capable of imagineering
related refs:
my only role in this results from glasgow being the crossroads of both sides of my family tree traceable back to w 1760s when adam smith and james watt started up the world of humans
i will start by inviting linked in people to zoom with me in triads - the minimum necessary to triangularise a map - here is a mail i am piloting between 2 ladies who hub out of barcelona in spain and recif in brazil- places who most inspirational contributions to the world have been 100% franciscan- for those who know missionaries from the scottish kirk or how scots became a majority diaspora nation you will understand culturally our affinity to franciscans- i would go as far as to say dont come to glasgow to discuss climate or any sustainbility goal if you have not prepped why franciscan values gravitate moore humansai than any other branch of the religions the empires of western europe claimed their legislatures to embody- of course mediating faiths needs far more talent than as i a cambidge ma in statistics out of dampt and corpus christi can practice - however when it comes to whether humanising artificial intelligence is our last chance to sustain all our next generations may i be of some guided assistance
hi i recommend we zoom; i realise in terms of a quick intro i will only cover 1% of who you reach out to through ad and educational worlds
through the 90s i worked in worlds largest accountants and ad agencies for 3 years with the biggest one run by martin sorrell- - i didnt agree with how trust, purpose was valued by sorrell so after trying to get?top people in his corporate design group enterprise ny-london and his data milward brown to change round books on purposeful; organisations my economist friends and i wrote i left his orbit- not that long after i left MS P went from parts of his london organisation to go redesign media out of the part of brazil my aunt was born in because back in 1920 recife?was the nearest airport between new and old world, and my paternal grandad worked in british foreign consulars- this region is also where paulo freire franciscan inspiration of girl empowering pedagogy of oppressed began- over 15 years philippa has asked those who care in ad world to intern in recife or other places whose diversity of lives matter is opposite to sitting in ad or accounting offices in ny or london
MS M has grown up since age of 3 in the american networks.... in barcelona- i guess she's been teaching there for about 25 years the last 12 of which she has been responsible for every student and teacher doing a service project in communities; the teenagers want to impact the whole world for the better wherever dual language of spanish and english changes how you value things than just thinking and communicating in one; it turns out that all over the world dual language teachers are changing education more deeply sustainably than even technologists
so if i am vaguely right in my intros, if the world is to co-create a new after covid should we zoom
by the way my other grandad worked wiih gandhi for 25 years out of mumbai and wrote the laws of indias independence which is why i dont feel i understand america at all but after 60 trips to asia feel i can help value sustaining lives of two thirds of people who are asian starting with the poorest sixth of the worlds community builders asan village mothers - marta and i me twice and education laureate summit founded by first lady of qatar and whose original alumni transformed educational empowerment of these women- in madrid where frankly they never understood microcredit in spite of queen sofia with hilary clinton starting in 1997 microcreditsummit as an annual pilgrimage to sustaining the poorest and in qatar - which like all of the uae is at a crossroads between future of smart education and history of big bad oil