【Talent x Buzzコラム】20代で年収1000万円を超えた業界トップパフォーマーに聞いた!収入アップのためにできること

【Talent x Buzzコラム】20代で年収1000万円を超えた業界トップパフォーマーに聞いた!収入アップのためにできること

*English below





Q1. 年収1,000万円を超える人の割合は4.9%










それもそのはず、国税庁が発表している「令和3年分 民間給与実態統計調査」(2022年)によると、2021年時点で給与所得を得ている5,270万人のうち、年収1,000万円を超えている人の割合はわずか4.9%。 およそ20人に1人の割合で、年収1,000万円を超えている人がいる計算になります。

Q2. 年収1,000万円を超えるために考えるべきこと、やるべきことは?


  • 職業やキャリアの計画高収入を得るために、適切な職業やキャリアを選択することが大切。需要の高い分野や専門職を検討し、自分の興味や能力に合ったものを見つけるといいでしょう。
  • スキルの獲得必要なスキルを習得し、専門知識を深めましょう。資格や証明書を取得することで、競争力を高めることができます。
  • 教育への投資必要であれば、学び直しや資格取得などを検討し、自分のスキルや知識を向上させるために投資を行うことも効果的です。教育は将来の収入に大きな影響を与えることも。
  • 副業や投資今いる企業や職種での限界収入が見えている場合、可能な範囲での副業や投資を通じて収入を増やすことも考えることも選択肢です。その場合は、株式、不動産、仮想通貨など、自分に合った投資方法を検討しましょう。
  • プロフェッショナルネットワークいつ、どこでつながった方から仕事のご縁が舞い込んでくるかは分かりません。プロフェッショナルなネットワークを構築し、ビジネスチャンスを掴みましょう。人脈は重要な資産です。
  • 目標設定と計画具体的な目標を設定し、それを達成するための計画を立てることもおすすめです。計画は実行したら、進捗を確認&調整し、振り返りを行うことも大切です。
  • 転職自分の評価は給与に適切に反映されていますか?もし、そうでないと感じたら、転職エージェントに相談するのも良いでしょう。第三者に相談することによって、自分が本当にやりたいことが見つかったり、転職に成功すると、人によっては数十万?百万円単位で年収がアップする方もいます。

Q3. 評価されて収入がアップする方の特徴は?





Q4. いま、狙い目の業界やポジションは?

  • エンジニアソフトウェアエンジニア、システムエンジニア、電気?機械エンジニアなど、エンジニアリング分野は高い技術スキルを要するので年収が上がりやすいです。
  • ファイナンス投資、銀行家、ファイナンシャルアナリスト、資産運用担当者など、金融業界は専門知識が必要な分野なので、実績やインセンティブによって年収が上がる業界の一つです。
  • IT関連職プログラマ、データサイエンティスト、クラウドアーキテクトなど、情報技術分野は高い需要があり、スキルと経験次第では1000万円を超えることも可能です。
  • コンサルティング経営コンサルタントや戦略コンサルタントは、企業に対して戦略的アドバイスを提供し、高収入を得ることができる職種です。
  • 不動産不動産エージェント、不動産開発者、不動産投資家など、不動産業界はインセンティブやコミッションで動くことが多いので、年収も上がりやすく魅力的な選択肢です。

Q5. 年収1,000万以上の求人はありますか?


Talent x Buzzはハイクラス?バイリンガル人材の求人を中心に取り扱っているので、スキルと経験次第では皆様に年収1,000万円以上の求人をご紹介することも可能です。

こちらはほんの一部ですが、Talent x Buzzで取り扱っている年収1,000万円以上の企業です。

?大手外資系IT企業 - Global Account Manager - 1500万円

?大手外資系人材企業 - Head of Accounting & Finance - 1800万円

?大手外資系不動産企業 - Senior Project Manger - 1200万円

?大手外資系飲料メーカー - Head of Culture Marketing - 1000万円

?スタートアップスキンケア企業 - Product Marketing Manager ?- 1200万円

?大手外資系自動車メーカー - Senior Manager Procurement -1500万円

?大手外資系ロジスティクスメーカー - Marketing Manager - 1100万円


Talent x Buzzのコンサルタントは、『Bee Yourself, Bee Professional』を理念に、一人一人がプロフェッショナルな意識を持って求職者と日々真摯に向き合っています。



Talent x Buzzでは、それぞれの専門性を持ったプロフェッショナルたちが在籍しております。企業の皆さまがご希望のスキルや即戦力を持った人材をお迎えできるよう心からサポートしますので、ご相談したい方は下記のメールアドレスまでご連絡ください?

[email protected]?

Are you satisfied with your current income?

Since the beginning of this year, there hasn't been a day that hasn't passed without us seeing news about the worsening economic situation. Rising utility costs due to inflation, layoffs at tech companies, and more.

As part of the measures to combat inflation, various companies, including Fast Retailing, have raised wages, but many people feel that their lifestyles and incomes have not changed much.

In this article, we asked top industry performers in Talent x Buzz, who earned more than 10 million yen a year in their 20s, asking about the industries and occupations in which they can aim for more than 10 million yen, as well as the skills and experience needed to earn a high income.?

If you are exploring ways to increase your income or change jobs, this article is for you.

Q1. How many people have an annual income of over 10 million yen?

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s survey, the average annual income for people in their 20s to 40s is as follows.

20-24 years old: 2.18 million yen

25-29 years old: 2.51 million yen

30-34 years old: 2.81 million yen

35-39 years old: 3.12 million yen

40-44 years old: 3.33 million yen

45-49 years old: 3.49 million yen

According to the “Reiwa 3 Private Sector Salary Statistics Survey'' (2022) published by the National Tax Agency, of the 52.7 million people earning salary income as of 2021, only 10 million yen in annual income Only 4.9% of people exceed the above. This means that approximately 1 in 20 people have an annual income of over 10 million yen in Japan.

Q2. What can we do in order to achieve higher income?

Career planning

It is important to choose the right profession or career in order to earn a high income. Consider fields and professions that are in high demand and find one that matches your interests and abilities.

Acquisition of skills

Learn the skills you need and deepen your expertise. Earning qualifications and certificates can give you a competitive edge.

Investment in education

If necessary, it is also effective to consider re-learning or acquiring qualifications and to invest in improving your skills and knowledge. Education can also have a big impact on future income.

Side job or investment

If you can see the marginal income of your current company or job, it is an option to consider increasing your income through side jobs or investments to the extent possible. In that case, consider investment methods that suit you, such as stocks, real estate, and virtual currencies.

Build professional network

You never know when or where you will get a job opportunity from someone you connect with. Build your professional network and seize business opportunities. Networks are an important asset.

Goal setting and planning

It is also a good idea to set specific goals and create a plan to achieve them. Once you have implemented your plan, it is important to check and adjust your progress and reflect on it.

Career change

Is my evaluation appropriately reflected in my salary? If you feel that this is not the case, it would be a good idea to consult a recruitment agent. By consulting with a third party, if you find what you really want to do or successfully change jobs, some people can increase their annual income by hundreds of thousands to millions of yen.

Q3. What are the characteristics of people with high incomes?

First of all, it is important to steadily build up your career and skills step by step.

However, what you should keep in mind is that you won't be able to build a business by focusing on your skills alone. It requires not only rationality but also relationship and communication skills, so balance is important.

The personality traits of people who are easily appreciated are often positive and patient.

For example, someone with a positive mindset who can take on new challenges without fear of failure, and the ability to continue without quitting immediately. As you continue, your skills will improve and you will gain experience. Both are essential elements for organizational growth.

Q4. What industry and position are hot right now?


Engineering fields, such as software engineers, system engineers, and electrical/mechanical engineers, require high technical skills and can easily earn a higher annual salary.


The financial industry is a field that requires specialized knowledge, such as investment bankers, financial analysts, and asset managers, so it is one of the industries where annual salary increases depending on performance and incentives.

IT related jobs

Jobs in the information technology field, such as programmers, data scientists, and cloud architects, are in high demand, and depending on your skills and experience, you can earn more than 10 million yen.


Management consultants and strategy consultants provide strategic advice to companies and can earn high incomes.

Real estate

The real estate industry, such as real estate agents, real estate developers, and real estate investors, is often driven by incentives and commissions, making it an attractive option with easy annual income.

Q5. Are there any job openings with an annual income of more than 10 million yen?

Yes, there are many!

Talent x Buzz focuses on recruiting high-class bilingual personnel, so depending on your skills and experience, we can introduce you to jobs with an annual income of 10 million yen or more.

This is just a small selection of companies with an annual income of 10 million yen or more that Talent x Buzz handles.

?Global IT company - Global Account Manager - 15 million yen

?Global HR company- Head of Accounting & Finance - 18 million yen

?Global real estate company - Senior Project Manager - 12 million yen

?Global beverage manufacturer - Head of Culture Marketing - 10 million yen

?Start-up skincare company - Product Marketing Manager - 12 million yen

?Global automaker - Senior Manager Procurement -15 million yen

?Global logistics manufacturer - Marketing Manager - 11 million yen

Based on the philosophy of “Bee Yourself, Bee Professional”, Talent x Buzz's consultants work sincerely with job seekers every day with a professional mindset.

Work can also be a turning point that changes your life.

We do not just introduce jobs, but also provide career advice that takes into account the lifestyle of each job seeker.

At Talent x Buzz, professionals with their respective specialties are enrolled. If you would like to consult with us, please contact us at the email address below.

[email protected]


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