Talent Tabloid - June 2023
ParkerBeth Search Partners
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The Recipe for a Perfect Resume
7 Key Ingredients to Look For
In today's rapidly changing business environment, finding top talent can be a challenging task. Paired with the competitive job market, it can be challenging for candidates to stand out from the crowd. The hiring process can be time-consuming and costly, and selecting the right candidate for a position is critical to the success of your organization. With the unemployment rate being at 3.4% there is an influx of resumes pouring into job boards. Hiring managers and job seekers alike face the challenges of seeking out the perfect resume, and what it takes for it to land on the right desk. A resume is often the first opportunity to make a great impression on potential employers. At ParkerBeth Search Partners, we have seen countless resumes and have identified several key components that build a stellar resume, and what increase the chances of it being seen by decision-makers.
Identifying top talent can be a difficult and time-consuming task, but focusing on these key components of a candidate's resume can make the process more efficient and successful. A perfect resume is one that effectively communicates an applicant’s relevant experience, accomplishments, and skills in a clear and concise manner. By following these tips, job seekers can increase their chances of standing out to potential employers and securing their dream job. Remember, a resume should tell a story that highlights a person’s unique value and sets them apart from other candidates. Look for these 7 qualities of a perfect resume, and hiring managers will surely be able to quickly identify top candidates for their organization.
Need help processing resumes for an open position? Perhaps you need additional support with first-round interviews? ParkerBeth is here to help you with all of your hiring needs! We have an amazing team of expert recruiters and talent sourcers who can get the job done efficiently. Contact us today and see how we can help alleviate some of the stressors that come with hiring your next great employee.
Straight from the Horse's Mouth— Interview with an Industry Leader
We asked Jennifer Quinonez, VP of Marketing at IKIN, to give us her valuable insight as a woman leader in the tech industry.
Q: What piece of advice do you have for other women leaders in the tech industry?
A: Speak up! It's likely you're in the room with a lot of men who are used to having the floor, so to speak. I always say "Harness the confidence of a mediocre man" when heading into interviews, presentations, etc., not because I think mediocrity is great, but because we have all known people in the workplace who, for some reason, are on a meteoric rise despite their qualifications or results being lackluster. Keep your professionalism intact, but don't let anyone bully you because they're uncomfortable with your presence at the table.
Q: What do you think is making the biggest impact on the technology workplace today?
A: I think it's a combination of AI and remote working tech. Almost 15 years ago, I helped a mentor of mine test her AI virtual assistant by trying to confuse it, and reader, I won almost every time. Today? Not likely. I think there is a fine line between making AI / ChatGPT work with you, rather than having it do all the work FOR you. For a startup with a lean team, it's an incredibly powerful tool. Remote working tech: as leaders, and as more (ahem, elder) millennials like myself enter the leadership era of our careers, it's important for us to not make the mistakes we have endured with the previous generations of leaders, and learn how to respond to the next generation's needs and wants in the workplace. Things will never go back to the way they were - we have to accept that. Is it good to have face-to-face interaction? Yes. Does everybody need to be there all the time, just to justify the cost of the space rental? Probably not. I really urge leaders to lean into "flexible" working policies rather than "hybrid" - as just this small tweak in language gives real agency to your team, which goes a long way.
Q: What does innovation mean to you?
A: As a marketer, you're always looking to identify your target audience by first identifying what problem you're trying to solve. I think taking a challenge and creating a solution for it is the simplest way to describe innovation. It doesn't necessarily have to be a hot new piece of hardware, or SaaS that ends in -ify. How are we solving problems for people? Let's figure out better and more efficient ways to do it - that's innovation to me.
Q: What is your favorite tech gadget that you own and why?
A: The magsafe pop socket on my phone is an incredible MVP - do you know how many times I dropped my phone before using this thing? And now it's magnetic? Incredible. Runner up - my PlayStation 5. We have two in my house because I did not want to share with my husband.
Q: Who in the tech industry inspires you the most?
A: Recently I learned about a company called Syrona Health. It's a health startup in the UK formed by two women of color to provide benefits to people who are going through chronic health conditions like Endometriosis, and cervical cancer screenings. This is what I mean by innovation - support for these types of conditions is such an important challenge that they've stepped up to meet.
Q: What is your most used app on your phone? (Excluding text, email, and calls)
A: Most recently it was The Knot. I cannot tell you how convenient it was to pull up my app and add a guest that I may or may not have forgotten to my wedding guestlist while seeing them out and about.
Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only bring 3 things, what would they be?
A: My Macbook Pro, my Nintendo Switch, and my record player. I'd probably die of hunger, but I'd be entertained.
Marketing and Organizational Leader | Johns Hopkins Organizational Leadership Student
1 年Thanks for the interview! Love the top notch team at Parker Beth.