Talent and Spirituality, a beautiful coherence.
I have always wondered how many clauses talent fulfills in one's life. Its a healer, a good de-stressor, keeps one active and fit, serves as a creative outlet, sometimes is a breadwinner and often is meditative.
Studies have shown that people who follow their dreams and pursue careers in a field where their talents and creativity are applauded live a happier life. I believe your talents are god-given gifts that often nudge you in the direction of your life purpose.
I know people who enjoyed dancing so much that they are now Dance therapists for kids with ADHD and anxiety. I wonder what role music plays in the life of an Audiologist or a hearing Aid doctor and its effects on sleeping patterns and calming stress.
The body's ability to concentrate on motion and stillness has encouraged Tai-chi among the youth. Copeaira is another form of martial arts that is embracing dance in its movements.
Similarly bonding over wine and painting, pottery and ceramics are some other forms of social gatherings that have become a norm and are a great way to use talent in social settings.
It is very common in some cultures to have singing and dancing as a form of offering to the gods and goddesses. In Islam the Sufi music is revered for its soul-touching aesthetic, in Hinduism, classical dances depict mythological stories. All cultures drive a close relation between finding eternal love and almighty. You often see a lot of influence of this thought process in the kind of offerings produced.
Ignoring one's talent and the essence of being can be the prime reason why depression or other forms of mental sickness kick in. Its that spiritual part of you that's being submerged under the chaos of a disorderly world.
It excites me to find deeper relations between my talents and my being. I can't wait to see how it fulfills my heart and deepens my soul.
#Sufi #Islam #Culture #music #dance #dancing #tai-chi #Copearia #talent #spirituality #HDS #Harvarddivinityschool #Harvardschoolofarts