A tale of two regions
This is the tale of two regions. The region A invests in men, money and training to make things better. That is better quality of life through utilization of resources, optimal use of environment with care for future. The region B invests the same men, money and training for none of this. What should be the future? The leaders of region A get it but that of leaders of region B do not. This is universal trouble of people who inhabit a country, organization or region. Leaders who aim to educate population for use of resources optimally and plans to invest for better future or those who do not.
Of course all leaders think of themselves of their immediate families. Most think of them and their families first. Despite that leaders of region A get what need to be bigger aim and goals and ways to integrate that in their personal interest. Then there are leaders who either do not get it (rare) or do the things to further their personal interests despite getting what the correct thing to do.
The leaders who do get it and keep doing negative things are a bigger problem than those who do not get it. For everyone who do not get it, there could be folks who can step it to show the alternative clearly. The negative doers are often the one who sabotage good efforts and are a larger problem.
Many folks could be surprised at the current news as to how Afghanistan's fall into chaos could be so steep and occur in so short a time. As a news paper article captured. It is all about investment of men, money and training.
A region is making very advanced meglev train. A region is making Lightyearone cars. Another region, alas is making wars and rules how to keep girls (and boys) uneducated. The investment differences in men, money and training cannot be any different.
This investment of men, money and training is not confined to any region, country and organization. This is universal except that they only differ in scale and scope.