A Tale of Two Barnes & Nobles
On opposites portions of the country, with thousands of geographical miles spanning between them, lies two different Barnes & Nobles. Both are pristine in condition, perfectly adorned architecturally and each having a vast and nearly unlimited supply of books and publications. Yet, every patron who walks in notes that there are indeed differences. "why is this?" each patron silently wonders.
One Barnes & Noble features stately furniture, monotones, expansive shelves filled with the most current editions of books from classical to contemporary literature. the room is a dizzying myriad of selections to choose from-- each one marketed from a different perspective in order to entice customers to spend even more money. Tables are arranged to entice customers to approach. Children's areas are designed to encourage parents as much as children to spend more time examining and delighting in books and activities.
On the other side, near the coast, exists a Barnes & Noble that has almost seemed to cast aside the typical appeal of a bookstore and opts for a new age appearance. Colors dazzle patrons and furniture appears more contemporary and artistic. Book covers are designed to heighten patrons' mental alertness and creativity. Children's books feature a myriad of artwork which enhances their visual acuity.
Should we be concerned that these Barnes & Noble stores feature so many differences? Or should we simply embrace a new direction into the future as we hold on to the traditional bookstore. Are bookstores simply a reflection of authors and publishing companies? Are we all just simply looking for an outlet to reach a higher and more sophisticated level of literacy? Possibly.
During my publishing process, I have read extensively from great classical literature by Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen to more modern works as published by Hay House publishing. I have read the Old Testament in its entirety twice. I have written extensively from writing and submitting lesson plans to our local public school, to writing and designing the church newsletter, to writing long letters to well-known and respected figureheads. The list continues.
I have read through websites and have read reviews on all the top endorsed authors and contemporary novels. While I found myself pondering how so may top selling and beloved children's books would compare with mine, I found myself admiring the craftmanship of my own completed books and feeling confident in my own books' ability to hold and preserve their own credibility. Somehow, when I wrote my first four children's books it did not occur to me that the need to compete would ever be a factor. I truly believed that they would simply be bringing more love, more kindness, more compassion, and more beauty into the world.
Are Barnes & Noble stores like contemporary authors? Are we all running around catering to our readers, competing for their love and affection, and imploring them to seek out and select our books rather than our competitors? Or are there no competitors in the world of literature and we are simply running circles within our own minds after completing such fantastical journeys?
You be the judge. Just...keep reading! Find the books that you love and love those books which finally make their way into your trajectory because they have travelled a far course through the universe to find you and to share their love with you.
Happy reading!
Melissa L. Blizzard