Tale of the Three Trees
Rajith Nair, CCXP
Operations, Project Management, Business Development, Account Management ,Transition, Customer Experience
I would like to share with all of you an incident which can teach us a lot about life.
Over the past year or so I have been regularly watering plants and trees near my house.
This is the story of 3 trees who began their journey as a sapling. I planted them at different times and hence they are at different stages of their growth journey.
All three of them had humble beginnings. (sapling)
Tree no. 1 is now lush green and has grown to a decent sized tree.
It stated small and when it became a little big, goats and buffalo’s ate all its leaves leaving it bare. Leaves regenerated but the events repeated once gain. The leaves regenerated again and it went on to become a tree. This delayed tree formation by almost a year.
Watering never stopped and it went on to become big.
Tree No. 2 – had a thick and strong main stem which is seen sawed off. It however still lives with two smaller branches on the sides.
Like Tree 1 this one too started small and went on over time to build a strong main stem and a couple of branches on the sides. Goats and buffalos did not harm it but someone cut its main stem after it became big.
Challenges are different for every individuals. ?
Tree No. 3 : I got a sapling lying in the main road (probably fell off a vehicle carrying it).Tree 3 was planted as a sapling and it started to grow but someone broke its main stem. A positive sign is that a few leaves are still connected to the main stem. All is not over, there is still hope.
We can infer some lessons from these trees and their journey.
1.?????All three of them started small and was watered similarly too but all three have a different story. They also have different growth trajectories.
Do not compare yourself to others. Everyone has a different journey.
?2.?????Tree 1 became a tree but only after constantly failing.
You will fail sometime or the other but never give up.
?3.????All the saplings have had different challenges
Life is not fair, don’t look back move ahead.
4. The watering of the saplings inspite of challenges ensured they kept growing. Never Lose Hope and keep nurturing yourself