Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 11 (Microkernel Architecture)
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Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 11 (Microkernel Architecture)


Once upon a time, in a vast digital kingdom called System-Land, there was a giant castle called the System-Castle. This castle was impressive, massive and powerful but there was a problem: everything in the kingdom had to be managed inside the castle’s walls. If one room had a problem, the whole castle suffered. One faulty door could cause the entire structure to collapse, and fixing/creating anything required making changes throughout the whole castle. The castle was big, but its size made it slow, fragile, and hard to maintain.

The kingdom's engineers realized that this was a risky way to rule System-Land. So, they decided to build something new: the Micro-Fortress. Instead of having everything in one place, the fortress housed only a tiny core called the Kernel. And the Kernels job is only manages the core task like manage, schedule and handle messages or communication between others.

But where did the others go? Well, instead of being locked inside the Castle’s walls, they were now separate villages surrounding the Fortress. Each village was independent, and they all lived in their own space, outside the walls of the fortress. They communicated with the Kernel when they needed help but otherwise worked on their own.

Microkernel Architecture:

Source: Medium

The Micro-Kernel architecture is a software architecture style that focuses on minimalism and separation of concerns. It divides the system into a small, core component called the micro-kernel, which provides only essential services, and several plug-in modules (or services) that extend the functionality of the system. These plug-in modules run in user space and communicate with the micro-kernel through a well-defined interface.

Key Characteristics

  • Minimal Core: The kernel is kept as small as possible to reduce complexity and improve maintainability.
  • Extensibility: New functionalities can be added or modified by adding or updating external modules without affecting the core.
  • Isolation: Each module operates in its own address space, reducing the risk of a system crash caused by a single faulty module.
  • Flexibility and Portability: Modules can be swapped, and the kernel can be easily ported across hardware architectures.

Key Component

  1. Core System: The heart of the architecture which provide the core functionality and a system interface to interact.
  2. Service Registry: Its register the plugin or service with core means kernel.
  3. Plugin Component: The outsider or 3rd party service that extend the functionality using the core system provided interfaces.


In complex systems, especially operating systems and large-scale software solutions like IDE, web-browser etc., reliability, maintainability, and security are crucial. Traditionally, monolithic architectures dominated system design, where the kernel handled not only core system functions but also high-level services (like file systems, networking, device drivers, plugins, browser extension). This led to:

  • Tight coupling between the kernel and system services.
  • Increased complexity as adding new features or fixing bugs required changes to the entire kernel.
  • Higher risk of system crashes, as a failure in any part (e.g. a device driver) could take down the whole system.

In environments such as operating systems, embedded systems or distributed systems, there was a need for a more modular architecture that:

  • Minimizes the impact of failures.
  • Simplifies maintenance and updates.
  • Is scalable and adaptable to different use cases.


  • Monolithic Kernel Limitations: In monolithic kernel systems, adding or updating new features (e.g. adding a new device driver) requires making changes to the kernel, increasing the chances of introducing new bugs or vulnerabilities.
  • Risk of System-Wide Failures: In tightly coupled architectures, a failure in any module (e.g. file system, device driver) can crash the entire system, as all components run in the same address space with full access to system resources.
  • Difficulty in Extending Functionality: The integration of new services or features is complex and error-prone since everything has to interact within the monolithic kernel.
  • Portability Challenges: Monolithic kernels are harder to port across different hardware architectures since the entire kernel must be reworked to accommodate new hardware capabilities.


The Micro-Kernel architecture addresses these challenges by adopting a modular approach, splitting the system into a minimal core (the micro-kernel) and a collection of user-space services.

  • Minimal Core (Micro-Kernel): The micro-kernel contains only the essential services such as: Process management, Inter-process communication (IPC), Basic memory management. All other services (file systems, networking, device drivers) are handled in user space and communicate with the micro-kernel via well-defined interfaces.
  • User-Space Modules: Services are isolated and run in user space as separate processes. Each service has its own address space, reducing the risk of a system-wide crash in the event of a failure in any particular service.
  • Inter-Process Communication (IPC): The kernel facilitates communication between the different modules through message-passing mechanisms. This separation ensures that the kernel remains small, while additional functionality is implemented in an extensible and modular manner.
  • Fault Isolation: If a service (e.g. a file system) crashes, it can be restarted independently of the core system. The micro-kernel ensures that such a failure doesn't propagate to other parts of the system, improving reliability.
  • Flexibility and Extensibility: New services can be added or updated independently of the kernel. Developers can easily swap out or update specific services without requiring deep changes to the entire system.
  • Portability: Since the micro-kernel focuses only on hardware management, it is easier to port the kernel across various hardware architectures. User-space services can be customized for specific hardware requirements without affecting the core system.

Example Solution:

  1. In a Micro-Kernel-based OS like QNX (used in automotive and medical devices), the micro-kernel handles the bare minimum of real-time scheduling and low-level hardware communication. Services like the network stack, user interface, and file system run in user space. If the network service crashes, it won’t affect the micro-kernel or the file system, allowing the network service to restart independently without causing a system-wide reboot.
  2. In IDE like VS-Code, the kernel manages the core IDE functionality but also provide extensibility by other plugins.
  3. In web browser like google chrome, the browser engine performs its core task along with this it also supports other functions by the extensions.

Sample Implementation:

1. Micro-Kernel Core: The micro-kernel manages process scheduling, inter-process communication (IPC), and basic resource management.

// Micro-Kernel: Core functionality
class MicroKernel {
    function start() {
        // Initialize essential services

    function initializeIPC() {
        // Setup message-passing system for communication
        print("IPC initialized")

    function initializeProcessManagement() {
        // Setup basic process scheduling and resource management
        print("Process management initialized")

    function sendMessage(serviceID, message) {
        // Send a message to a specific service (e.g., FileSystem, NetworkService)
        print("Sending message to Service: " + serviceID)
        ServiceManager.routeMessage(serviceID, message)

    function receiveMessage(serviceID, message) {
        // Receive message from a user-space service
        print("MicroKernel received message from Service: " + serviceID)

2. User-Space Services: Each service runs in user-space, independent of the kernel. They communicate with the kernel and other services using the IPC system.

// User-Space: File System Service
class FileSystemService {
    function onStart() {
        // Register with the Micro-Kernel
        print("File System Service started")

    function onMessageReceived(message) {
        if (message == "READ_FILE") {
        } else if (message == "WRITE_FILE") {

    function readFile() {
        print("Reading file from disk...")
        // Simulate file read operation

    function writeFile() {
        print("Writing file to disk...")
        // Simulate file write operation

// User-Space: Network Service
class NetworkService {
    function onStart() {
        // Register with the Micro-Kernel
        print("Network Service started")

    function onMessageReceived(message) {
        if (message == "SEND_DATA") {
        } else if (message == "RECEIVE_DATA") {

    function sendData() {
        print("Sending data over the network...")
        // Simulate network data transmission

    function receiveData() {
        print("Receiving data from the network...")
        // Simulate network data reception

3. Service Manager (Registry): The Service Manager handles the routing of messages between the micro-kernel and user-space services.

// Micro-Kernel: Service Manager
class ServiceManager {
    static services = {}  // Dictionary of services

    static function registerService(serviceID) {
        // Register a user-space service
        services[serviceID] = new Service(serviceID)
        print("Service registered: " + serviceID)

    static function routeMessage(serviceID, message) {
        // Route message to the appropriate service
        if (serviceID in services) {
        } else {
            print("Error: Service not found")

4. Main Program Execution: In the main program, the micro-kernel starts up, and user-space services (File System and Network Service) are initialized. Messages are passed between the micro-kernel and services to perform operations.

// Main Execution

// Start the micro-kernel
kernel = new MicroKernel()

// Start user-space services
fileSystem = new FileSystemService()

networkService = new NetworkService()

// Simulate communication between kernel and services
kernel.sendMessage("FileSystemService", "READ_FILE")
kernel.sendMessage("NetworkService", "SEND_DATA")        


The Micro-Kernel architecture is a minimalist and modular design approach where only essential system functions (like process management, memory management, and inter-process communication) are handled by the small core (the micro-kernel). Higher-level services, such as file systems, device drivers, and networking, are implemented in user space as separate processes or modules, outside the kernel. This architecture is commonly used in embedded systems and real-time systems where reliability, security, and modularity are essential. However, communication between the kernel and user-space modules can introduce some performance overhead.

Previous Parts:

Part 1: Tale of software architect(ure): Part 1 (Software Architecture and Software Design)

Part 2: Tale of software architect(ure): Part 2 (Role of Software Architect and Knowledge To Have)

Part 3: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 3 (Characteristics of Software Architecture)

Part 4: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 4 (Things Should Consider When Design/Architect a Software System)

Part 5: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 5 (Wrong Assumption in Software Architecture and Fallacies of Distributed Computing)

Part 6: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 6 (Framework for System Design Interview)

Part 7: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 7 (Well Known Software Architectures Styles)

Part 8: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 8 (Architecture Patterns and Layered Architecture)

Part 9: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 9 (MVC Architecture Pattern)

Part 10: Tale of Software Architect(ure): Part 10 (Pipe-Filter Architecture)


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