A Tale of the Merchant Procrastinator:
Caleb Kidd Coy
Delivering transformative and empowering life, mindset and financial legacy solutions, driven by a growing community of supportive leaders with heroic family values. Co-Founder @ PPA ????
"Thank you! I like to speak also." A stranger from another country arose. "I am Syrian. Not so well do I speak your tongue. I wish to call this friend, the merchant, a name. Maybe you think it not polite, this name. Yet I wish to call him that. But, alas, I not know your word for it. If I do call it in Syrian, you will not understand. Therefore, please some good gentlemen, tell me that right name you call man who puts off doing those things that mighty good for him."
"PROCRASTINATOR," called a voice.
"That's him," shouted the Syrian, waving his hand excitedly, "he accepts not opportunity when she comes. He waits. He says I have much business right now. Bye and bye I talk to you. Opportunity, she will not wait for such slow fellow. She thinks if a man desires to be lucky he will step quick. Any man not step quick when opportunity comes, he big procrastinator like our friend, this merchant..."
"The spirit of procrastination is within all men. We desire riches; yet, how often when opportunity doth appear before us, that spirit of procrastination from within doth urge various delays in our acceptance. In listening to it we become our own worst enemies...
At last, I did recognize it for what it was - a habit of needless delaying where action was required, action prompt and decisive."
- Each of us must recognize and conquer procrastination. We've all been guilty of it.
Time and time again, it will cause us to miss opportunities which are presented to us... both big, as well as small.
What areas have you procrastinated in that need to be addressed?
Does it involve your personal life? Your marriage or a relationship? Your children? Your job, or your work? Your health, maybe? Possibly your eating habits? Lack of exercise?
How about doing what needs to be done if an unexpected event occurs? Is your family secured? Are your spouse, children, finances and assets protected? Do you have a living trust and estate plan in place?
Take some time to assess those areas. Once recognized, you can then address and conquer the procrastination! It often begins with just taking the first step in the right direction...
Don't let opportunity pass you by. Be assertive and keep making progress.