"The Tale of JavaScript’s Mischievous + and - Operators: Why They Act Weird and How to Tame Them"
Abhishek Dukare
Software Engineer at QuickTouch || Full Stack Developer || React Js || Node.js
Once Upon a Time in the Land of JavaScript...
In the bustling kingdom of JavaScript, there lived two operators named + and -. They were known for their helpful nature, but they had a mischievous side that often left developers scratching their heads. Let me tell you their story.
The Friendly + Operator: A Dual Personality
+ was a cheerful operator, always ready to lend a hand. But it had a secret: it couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be a mathematician or a wordsmith. When given two numbers, it would happily add them together:
console.log(2 + 3); // 5
But if one of its friends was a string, + would suddenly switch gears and start concatenating:
console.log("2" + 3); // "23"
Developers were often confused. Why did + behave so differently depending on the situation? The truth was, + was just trying to be helpful. In the early days of JavaScript, the language was designed to be forgiving and flexible, so + was given the power to handle both numbers and strings. But this flexibility came at a cost: unpredictability.
The Straightforward - Operator: A Stickler for Rules
Unlike +, the - operator was a no-nonsense kind of operator. It believed in doing one thing and doing it well: subtraction. If you gave it two numbers, it would subtract them without hesitation:
console.log(5 - 3); // 2
But if you tried to give it a string, - would raise an eyebrow and say, "I don’t do words. Give me numbers!" It would then try its best to convert the string into a number before performing the subtraction:
console.log("5" - 3); // 2
If the string couldn’t be converted into a number, - would throw up its hands and return NaN (Not-a-Number):
console.log("Hello" - 3); // NaN
The Great Confusion: Why Can’t They Just Behave?
Developers often wondered why + and - couldn’t just stick to one behavior. Why did + have to be so unpredictable? And why did - insist on converting strings to numbers?
The answer lay in JavaScript’s history. When JavaScript was first created in 1995, it was designed to be a simple, easy-to-use language for the web. Its creators wanted it to be forgiving, so they gave operators like + the ability to handle multiple types of data. This made JavaScript accessible to beginners, but it also led to some quirky behavior.
Over the years, JavaScript grew into one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Millions of websites and applications relied on its quirky behavior, so changing it would have caused chaos. As a result, + and - remained the way they were, much to the frustration of developers.
The Heroes Who Tamed the Mischievous Operators
Despite their quirks, developers found ways to work with + and -. They learned to anticipate their behavior and use tools to keep them in check.
1. Explicit Type Conversion
Developers started explicitly converting their data to the desired type before using + or -. For example:
const num1 = "5";
const num2 = "10";
console.log(Number(num1) + Number(num2)); // 15
This way, + would always perform addition, and - would always perform subtraction.
2. Strict Equality (===)
To avoid unexpected results in comparisons, developers started using === instead of ==. This ensured that both the value and the type were checked:
console.log(1 === "1"); // false
3. Tools Like TypeScript and ESLint
Developers began using tools like TypeScript and ESLint to catch potential issues with type coercion. These tools helped them write more predictable code and avoid the pitfalls of JavaScript’s quirks.
4. Helper Functions
Some developers even created helper functions to handle specific operations in a predictable way:
function addNumbers(a, b) {
return Number(a) + Number(b);
function concatenateStrings(a, b) {
return String(a) + String(b);
console.log(addNumbers("5", "10")); // 15
console.log(concatenateStrings(5, 10)); // "510"
The Moral of the Story
The tale of + and - teaches us an important lesson: every programming language has its quirks, and it’s up to us as developers to understand and work around them. While JavaScript’s flexibility can sometimes lead to confusion, it also makes the language powerful and versatile.
By learning how + and - behave and using tools and techniques to tame their quirks, we can write better, more predictable code. And who knows? Maybe one day, we’ll look back at these quirks and smile, remembering the mischievous operators that once kept us on our toes.
The End... Or Is It?
As JavaScript continues to evolve, new features and improvements are being added to make the language more robust and developer-friendly. But the story of + and - will always be a reminder of JavaScript’s humble beginnings and the importance of understanding the tools we work with.
So the next time you encounter a quirky behavior in JavaScript, remember the tale of + and -. Embrace the quirks, learn from them, and use them to your advantage. After all, every language has its own story to tell.