The Tale of the Flashy Red Shoes: A Jogging Journey Full of Surprises!
Abandi Abdulla
I help organizations and individuals lead better, communicate better, and grow better.
It’s time for red! Flashy red! My new jogging shoes (then) kind of made a statement one day. It was May 2019 in the green hills of Mountain View, California. While on my jog, a nice gentleman waved at me. We greeted each other on the jogging path earlier, I thought. He barely passed me, stopped, turned back to me and said something that would make my day. I stopped for a few seconds and thanked him. From that point my jog took a higher tempo. What did that gentleman say that would make my day? Well, read on!
When you set your mind on something, it provides you with some enabling thoughts to get it done. Or, does it? It was time for a jog, I told myself that day. Then I had this self-talk, “You know it’s cloudy. It was raining this morning. And the forecast says there is a chance of rain in the next hour or so. Are you sure you want to go for a jog? Maybe you should wait until the sky clears up, or even do your jog tomorrow. Oh, also don’t forget you are fasting, with under 3 hours to break the fast!”
Fortunately, I am good at talking back to myself with positive vibes. The book, “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself,” had an impact on me on the good side. “It’s time for red...flashy red. You just bought those sneakers. You’ve got to check them out; how they feel, how they look, how they perform. And it’s 16 °C, and a little breezy. The sun peeks every few minutes. It must be a great day; it must be a great time! You just can’t waste the moment!”
My talking back worked like talking myself into a healthy organic salad instead of a sizzling, fatty hamburger! (I must admit, I do need that burger some times, knowing the state of my build!) I was all geared up, with my new flashy red shoes and my flashy red socks. Meanwhile, I gave my flashy yellow shoes a break...a well-deserved break. They served me for nearly two years! It was cool and a little breezy outside and I was tempted to go back to the house to get a sweat shirt, only to hear my daring voice say, “naaah.” So, off on the curb. The shoes started kicking. They felt light, trendy and sleek. And they provided good cushioning for my legs. It was like getting into a new, red Porche with leather seats. Not saying I could afford one!
As the breeze hit my face, I could feel it swoosh through my hair (I mean, whatever left of it!) It was a smooth ride. On the way, I passed by an old-looking gentleman (notice I said, old-looking, indicating he may be biologically younger!) He was walking sluggishly. He looked up. I said hi and continued on my jog. He didn’t notice my new flashy red shoes. Some people have no appreciation for stylish, eye-catching shoes, I thought, with a sarcastic note to my shredded ego!
I was on my same route back home, when I saw the same gentleman not far a distance from where we crossed the first time. Few yards, before I got to him, he raised his hand waving at me, with a bright smile. I smiled back, said hi, and continued on my jog, only to hear him say something to me that I couldn’t hear. I stopped and walked back to him. “I am sorry, I could not get what you said,” I said with an apologetic smile. He said, “It’s those bright colors on your feet that make you run so well.” I almost froze in my place. I thanked him with too wide a grin that I gained two wrinkle lines at the corner of my eyes! On again with my jog, talking to myself like a child, “Oh yeah, oh yeah, those red sneakers turn heads!” Seriously, when you get a compliment like that from a total stranger, it takes you to a higher note whatever activity you are engaged in at the moment.
Truly, I was flabbergasted with his words. He thought that I run so well. I do? Hmmm! I thought I was barely jogging! His words gave me a push; they pressured me to up my game. And, yes, I found myself going with a higher pace without intending too. Talk about simple words that make your day. Talk about words that raise the bar. I want to jog on the same path again to see him and thank him one more time. Maybe have a light conversation and get to know him a little.
That was not the end of the story. My higher pace, and probably my flashy red shoes, got the attention of dogs! I had to slow down a little when I approached a lady walking her dog. I said, “hi cutie.” (I was actually talking to the dog!). He didn’t like that, turned at me, started barking mightily, with an intention to chase me (thank God he was on leash.) When you are on the road running, God gives reasons to up your pace. I was just catching my breath, only to be barked at again with two dogs fenced in in the front yard of a house. They were not leashed. Needless to say, I sped up even more. I was not ready for a rabies’ shot! Again, luckily, the fence was high enough to keep the barking dogs in. I was wondering, “Who let the dogs out?!”
The question is: Were they really my flashy red shoes that freaked the dogs? Or, was it my running? Or, both? Dog owners may know the answer, but I am not sure I want to know. Next time, I would just jump to the other side of the road. I like to play it safe! ?
This may be an entertaining story, but that is not the real intention. Here are a few takes I would like to share with you from my “adventurous” jog:
1.?????? Guard your self-talk. Often, you will hear from yourself a barrage of excuses not to do something. It’s the weather, it’s my age, I am not ready, not now, I am fasting, I feel tired, I am hungry, I need a partner, I am not getting results, and the list goes on and on and on and on! One way to avoid excuses is to gear up and get ready. You don’t need flashy red shoes to hit the road! Just do it and trash any excuse.
2.?????? Smiling, saying hello, waving and eye contact go a long way. People like to be recognized, even if they are strangers to you. That gentleman made my day with a wave, a smile and a few encouraging words. I even upped my pace and got more out of my exercise. But above all, I will remember that moment and how it made me feel. You don’t have to go far. Have a little chat with the cashier in your grocery store, the person cleaning your car, the gardener, your employee, even your boss! That’ll make their day. And, again, you don’t need flashy red shoes!
3.?????? Show appreciation to any person trying to be nice with you, regardless of their status. Never let biases influence how you treat people. I misjudged that gentleman the first time we crossed. Looks are misleading sometimes. As they say, give people the benefit of the doubt.
4.?????? Be proud of yourself. You got someone’s attention? That’s a good point in your record. We often underestimate our personality, our abilities, our charm. When someone tells you something nice, normally, it’s not coming out of a vacuum! Even if it’s an exaggeration, indulge in the moment for a while, until the truth hits you!
5.?????? Colors are life and life is colors. Don’t shy away from wearing colors that present you to the world, and represent you in whatever activity you are engaged in. Sports, in particular, provide more stylish and flashy colors that make you distinguished. If you like it, put it on, even if they are flashy red shoes!
6.?????? And, finally, let’s not underestimate the impact of simple encouraging words. We may say them casually, yet they leave an impact on those hearing them and bring them to a higher level in their game.
If you like my little wisdom, please share with those you care about. Thank you for reading!
#Motivation #PositiveThinking #SelfTalk #JoggingLife #FitnessMotivation #FlashyRedShoes #EncouragingWords #OvercomingExcuses #MorningRun #PersonalGrowth #HealthyLifestyle #OutdoorExercise #MindsetMatters #SmallGestures #BeAppreciative #SelfConfidence #PowerOfCompliments #ColorfulLife #FitnessJourney #FeelGoodMoments