The Tale of 2 Blacks from Africa in America FALU & MOORE

The Tale of 2 blacks from Africa in America: FALU & MOORE  

           How best can this story be told? Let me start it this way: entering a Public Building on 11-21-19 yesterday morning which this writer has frequented fairly regularly for 2 or 3 weeks now because of a construction work in his village, and after parking his car he ran to the gent's and on coming out, he wanted to say Good Morning to the first officer he met who incidentally was so eager to talk to him even though he was in a deep conversation with another. What did you he say? you might wonder, Simple: I SAW YOUR BOY ON THE TELEVISION YESTERDAY! My heart almost flew away because the Department of State and the USCIS have been unjustly preventing my only boy abroad from entering the US - which matter I took up even to the US Supreme Court and a staffer REDMOND BARNES again for no justifiable reason would not table my (our) case before the honorable Judges of the highest court of the Land. So I was really confused to hear you say, I told the guy: YOU SAW MY BOY ...ON TELEVISION! Then he explained; he meant DONALD TRUMP? Oh my God, I continued, did you call TRUMP my boy? He is not, by boy is in Africa; and TRUMP is only my President and I guess yours too. Why did you think that man said that? Because I wear a free red hat that talks about TRUMP anywhere hats are not forbidden for males like going before a Judge in the courtroom or going before Almighty God, - the God of TRUMP in the Church building. So this man has been seeing me nearly every day, and when he had the opportunity he quickly seized it to say, I SAW YOUR BOY ON THE TELEVISION YESTERDAY! Before I move on because you may wonder why I could call Almighty God: the God of Israel or his father Isaac and Grandfather Abraham. I will come back to that soon just let's move on.

         Not too long ago these 2 in different states were talking online when FALU told more 3 things about a TRUMP face cap MOORE was displaying for all to see: *I have it, **I love it,***but I have not worn it even once in public. Moore then replied by the way Falu, In what state are you from and is your state a Democrat controlled state? No Falu responded and instead of simply mentioning his state mentioned the name of a popular Republican Senator that came second after Trump in the last Republican Presidential Primaries. What state I repeated my question since it is only the state of two Senators I really know that of Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth – the great state of Illinois, who unfortunately are both Democrats. Still I asked what state are you from and he now mentioned their Governor’s name a GREGG something – also a Republican like that popular Senator Oh the name GREGG as governor but neither did that peace of information answer my question. He should just have told me Texas. By the way the Senator he mentioned is Ted Cruz and FALU’s Governor is Greg Abbott, not really MOORE’S GREGG

        But is FALU scared or shy to wear a hat he owns and loves? I don’t think so. Both men met in the 70’s in the University in Africa and both were and are still fundamentalists. FALU went to no mean a High school as St Gregory’s in Lagos while MOORE went to Mount Olivet in Ibadan the largest city in West Africa and the only city the University of London considered worthy when it decided to plant it’s overseas campus in Africa. And to have attended St Gregory’s in Ikoyi Lagos I wonder where FALU became born-again, but it could not have been at St. Gregory’s . For my readers in America, to assist you visualize St Gregory’s just think about Woodstock. But for MOORE his being a believer could be easily understood. After all Mount Olivet is the place the Angels have said Jesus will land on earth at his Second coming. So why should MOORE not be boen-again there? And this FALU single handed supported the vision of MOORE when the latter from nowhere wanted to be Student Union President at Unife – GREGG MOORE to be President in Ife? The American are coming it was said. Why FALU cut of the most important part of is name ADE meaning CROWN literarily is still a wonder; and as for the name MOORE or MORE we are told is it and exclusive area for VIPs in the land of the origin of the Yorubas . Does MOORE then belong to the MORE people of Ile-Ife? His great grandfather hailed from Abeokuta we were told but did the father of Double Chief Akenbo (Akinbo) hailed from More, in Ile-Ife? FALUADE has done far more for MOORE, in particular during the latter’s wedding ceremony exactly 10 years after he helped him come top in a Student Union Election on the most beautiful campus on earth: the University of Ife now O A U. But will he help MOORE again in 2022? May be not, so please Sir FALUADE, wear the hat you own and love even though people may bother you and or simply just be surprised that you are a TRUMP supporter. As TRUMP will have another 4 years after next year – thank you America - with his dynasty continuing with MIKE PENCE who with the support of America will have 8 years too after which we shall have America’s first Female President in the person of Nikki Haley after which we shall then have a truly black president of America - a female or male – we don’t know yet to give to the dynasty of DONALD J TRUMP 32 years of America’s presidency!

Almost forgot this: from the very beginning why God is the God of TRUMP – because when the whole world, the United Nations drove Israel from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, it was only TRUMP and not any before him that agreed with God Almighty that JERUSALEM SHALL BE THE ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL.     


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