Will Taking Zinc Help With Hairloss?
Are your tresses more parched and fragile than ever before? Noticing clumps of hair in the shower or caught up in your brush can be quite unnerving. While these experiences can be disheartening, the best way to navigate through this ordeal is to confront it head-on - let's unravel the mystery behind your hair woes, tackle the problem, and unearth the root cause.
A significant number of individuals grapple with hair loss; by the age of 50, half of all men are impacted by some form of male pattern baldness, and 40% of women experience changes in their hair's thickness. This problem is reaching epidemic proportions, yet many dismiss it as a natural part of aging, stress, or 'the way of life'. However, this dismissive attitude can overlook the multifaceted nature of hair loss, also known as alopecia, which has a range of causes and types, each impacting different areas of the body. Let's dive into some crucial points to consider:
This prevalent cause and culprit behind hair loss is widely recognized as male-pattern or female-pattern baldness. Rooted in genetics, this type of baldness usually strikes as one advances in age.
Its effect varies between the genders – while men may notice a receding hairline or dwindling hair at the crown, women tend to experience a general thinning of hair across the scalp. This condition is largely dictated by one’s genetic lottery and hormonally driven. The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is primarily responsible for shrinking hair follicles, making it difficult for healthy hair to survive and grow. Despite its inevitable appearance, treatments and preventive measures may slow down its progress and help manage its visible effects.
Alopecia Areata is a prevalent autoimmune disease that targets hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. The loss initially appears in small, round patches typically on the scalp, but it can affect any hair-bearing site on the body. This condition is characterized not just by the suddenness of its onset but also by the randomness of its pattern.
In this perplexing autoimmune disorder, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, which are tiny, sack-shaped structures under the skin where hair growth begins. The exact cause behind this malfunction remains unknown but it's believed that genetics may play a crucial role.
Telogen Effluvium is a common form of hair loss often associated with considerable stress, serious illness, or substantial hormonal changes. Although alarming, this type of hair loss is usually temporary and reversible once the triggering element is overcome or managed effectively.
This phenomenon pertains to the hair lifecycle, specifically the telogen or 'resting' phase. Each hair follicle individually goes through growth, resting, and shedding phases. In Telogen Effluvium, an abnormally large number of hair follicles enter the resting stage, followed by a noticeable increase in hair shedding after two to three months.
Traction Alopecia represents a form of gradual hair loss caused primarily by sustained pulling or tension exerted on the hair, typically resulting from tight hairstyles such as braids, ponytails, or extensions. Apart from these, constant use of headwear or helmets, excessive use of hair styling products, and aggressive brushing can also contribute to the development of this condition.
Unlike other types of hair loss, Traction Alopecia's cause is mechanical- resultant of the stress and strain applied to hair over a significant period. Continuous and tightly pulled hairstyles can strain the hair follicles, leading to a scarring effect that inhibits future hair growth.
Scarring Alopecia, also known as Cicatricial Alopecia, comprises a group of rare disorders that damage and destroy hair follicles, leading to permanent hair loss. These disorders are characterized by the presence of scar tissue formation at the affected sites, making it difficult or impossible for new hair to grow through the fibrous tissue that remains.
Scarring Alopecia can occur in individuals of all ages and ethnicities, irrespective of gender. The disorders within this group may be classified into two main categories: primary and secondary Scarring Alopecia. Primary Scarring Alopecia results from the direct infiltration and destruction of hair follicles by inflammatory cells, while secondary Scarring Alopecia occurs due to an external injury or factors like burns, infections, or radiation that cause destruction to the hair follicle.
Interpreting the pattern of hair loss can significantly aid in comprehending the root cause of the issue, thereby paving the way towards targeted treatment. Hair loss isn't a one-size-fits-all problem; it presents in multiple forms, each form influenced by a distinct set of factors, which can be psychological, environmental, or internal. Several types of stressors could be potential catalysts for hair loss problems, ranging from psychological stress to environmental triggers. Psychological stress, whether induced by personal, professional, or lifestyle changes, can sometimes cause temporary hair loss conditions such as Telogen Effluvium.
Environmental factors also play a significant role in hair health. Prolonged exposure to heavy metal toxicity or hard water can weaken hair, making it more susceptible to breakage. Apart from these, the usage of poor quality shampoo or conditioning products, filled with harmful chemicals, can strip the hair of its natural oils, making it dry, brittle, and prone to damage. Internal factors contribute extensively to hair loss issues. Hormonal changes, especially those observed during pregnancy, menopause, or due to thyroid conditions, can lead to hair thinning and loss. Other internal causes include nutrient deficiencies, particularly iron, vitamin D, and protein deficiency, which can debilitate hair health in the long run. Additionally, certain viral infections or systemic diseases may also cause temporary or permanent hair loss patterns.
However, sometimes the root cause is more straightforward than anticipated. Rough treatment of hair strands, frequent heat styling, or tight hairstyles can strain and damage the hair follicles, causing hair thinning or even hair loss. Remember, gentle care and treatment can extend the longevity of a healthy mane.
Hair loss, a common and distressing issue faced by many individuals worldwide, can arise from a plethora of causes that range from genetics and hormonal imbalances, to environmental factors and lifestyle choices. Understanding the multitude of factors contributing to hair loss is crucial in effectively addressing and managing the problem.? Let’s look into various causes of hair loss.
In our pursuit of understanding the unique role of nutrients in hair health, a spotlight needs to be cast on one often overlooked but vital mineral- Zinc. Deficiency of this crucial nutrient can be linked with various forms of hair loss, including different types of alopecia. Zinc, an essential trace mineral, plays a significant role in the maintenance and health of skin, hair, and overall physiological well-being. Its direct influence on hair health stems from its involvement in countless processes, including the growth, repair, and integrity of hair follicle health.
Insufficient levels of zinc can interrupt these processes, contributing significantly to hair loss. Diving deeper? into how zinc deficiency causes hair loss, several key details emerge:
Zinc, a vital trace mineral, plays a pivotal role in the healthy growth and maintenance of hair. Critical for the proper functioning of hair follicles - the tiny pores in the skin from which hair grows - an adequate supply of zinc is indispensable for the natural, vigorous growth of hair. A deficiency of this crucial nutrient, however, can disrupt the delicate balance of the hair growth cycle, often leading to noticeable thinning and hair loss. Beyond promoting healthy hair follicle function, zinc is also instrumental in catalyzing protein synthesis - the biological process that produces new proteins and amino acids. This synthesis is key to fabricating keratin - the primary protein that makes up our hair. When there's a zinc deficiency, protein synthesis can be hindered, leading to brittle, weak hair that's more susceptible to breakage and less likely to grow healthily.
Interestingly, the role of zinc in hair health and growth is not just theoretical but is backed by concrete research. A particular study, which you can read about here, demonstrated that over 66% of patients with alopecia areata, a specific type of hair loss, had zinc deficiency. When these patients were given zinc supplementation, a significant proportion showed improvement in hair growth, underlining the importance of zinc in hair health. However, it's worthwhile to note that while zinc is beneficial for hair health, it needs to be consumed in the right amount. Too much zinc can also lead to hair loss.?
Among the myriad functions that zinc plays in maintaining bodily health, one singularly important role is the support it provides to the immune system. A healthy immune system is crucial in surveillance and defense against various diseases. When zinc levels dip below the required level, the immune system's function can become compromised, potentially leading to certain conditions like alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder causing hair to fall out in small, often rounded patches. The condition stems from the body's immune system mistakenly attacking its own hair follicles. The link between zinc deficiency and alopecia areata underscores the important role zinc plays in maintaining a robust immune system.
The relation of zinc deficiency to hair loss also ties into the body's response to stress. As the body enters a state of stress (due to nutrient deficiency or other reasons), it directs its resources towards preserving energy and sustaining crucial functions necessary for survival. Unfortunately, hair growth and maintenance - though important for reasons such as insulation and trapping bacteria - are not critical for survival. As much as our vanity might wish it to be different, our bodies are wired for survival, not aesthetics. As hair is primarily composed of keratin, a protein, the energy required for its maintenance and growth is substantial.
With a stressed or energy-conserving body, this energy-intensive task might be deemed non-essential. As a result, the body might slow down or halt hair growth, redirecting the energy to more vital functions to preserve overall health. This redirection can manifest as visible hair loss, thinning or, in extreme cases, bald patches.
A lesser-known but vital function of zinc lies in its deep involvement with hormone regulation, particularly those hormones that directly influence hair growth and health. An imbalance in these hormones, especially an increase in androgens like Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is often associated with hair loss. Here is where zinc's role emerges as a protective agent as it has properties that naturally block DHT.
DHT, a potent form of testosterone, is one of the main culprits of hair loss in both men and women. High levels of DHT are infamous for shrinking hair follicles and abbreviating the hair growth cycle, causing premature termination of hair growth and consequent hair loss. As a natural DHT-blocker, zinc can help control this potent androgen, protecting our hair follicles from its detrimental effects.
Moreover, zinc plays a seminal role in the production of key hormones essential for hair health - testosterone and progesterone. Testosterone, despite its implications through DHT, is integral to hair growth. Progesterone, on the other hand, functions as a key regulator of hair growth cycle, especially by suppressing excessive DHT production. Hair loss is frequently spotted in cases where there is low progesterone, often due to stress, lack of energy, or other nutrient deficiencies. Testosterone levels could also be low if it is excessively converting into estrogen or DHT, instead of executing its regular functions including hair growth stimulation. By ensuring sufficient zinc intake, one could help in maintaining the balance of these hormones, thus promoting healthy hair growth.
Zinc is intricately linked with sebum regulation, a critical factor in maintaining the health of both the scalp and hair. Sebum, an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands present in the scalp, acts as a natural conditioner and barrier. It helps in keeping the scalp moisturized and shielded from external environmental assaults, benefiting overall hair health. However, like any good thing, the production of sebum needs to be in balanced proportions. Both excessive and scant sebum production can lead to common hair and scalp issues. Overproduction of sebum can cause oily hair and scalp, potentially leading to dandruff, scalp acne, or greasy hair. On the other hand, insufficient sebum production can result in dry scalp and hair, which may cause itchiness, flaking, or even hair breakage due to lack of elasticity.
This is where zinc steps in as a game changer. It helps maintain the delicate balance of sebum production in the scalp. A deficiency in zinc can disrupt this balance, potentially leading to either excessive dryness or greasiness of the scalp. Either extremity can negatively impact the strength and vitality of hair, emphasizing the importance of sufficient zinc intake for scalp health, and subsequently, for healthy hair.
While it's unquestionable that a deficiency in zinc can play a part in hair loss, it's crucial to understand that it's seldom the solitary cause. Various other factors, such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, and pre-existing health conditions, can substantially influence hair loss. Hence, addressing hair loss often necessitates a comprehensive, holistic approach that takes into account all these potential causative elements.
However, if you're exploring the possibility that a zinc deficiency could be contributing to your hair loss, we have an ideal solution at hand. Our Upgraded Zinc supplement is specifically designed to help combat this deficiency. Alternatively, you can opt for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) to get a more in-depth understanding of your hair health. With this analysis, you can move from uncertainty to knowledge, allowing you to tackle the root of the issue accurately and efficiently. To order your test kit today, please click here.
Barbara Madimenos Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Practitioner Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Integrative Health Coach