Taking your traits to another level
Lisa Patel
Real Estate / Realtor / Entrepreneur / Former President / Mindset / Metaphysical Teacher / Meditation-Yoga-Reiki Teacher / Philanthropist / Venture Capital / Speaker / Author / Political Candidate / Advocacy
Many of you may have reflected on the great, good and not so bad from the last year. However, it is important to do a self check-in and reflect on your own attributes and strengths. What is the one thing that you recognize about yourself that you would consider a strong quality.
Many years ago, I had a fabulous coach, Gaylee Weinberg, who recognized my strongest trait which is "mindset". As we are in 2020 how will you utilize your strongest traits towards your career, business or overall life?
Using my example of mindset, I stay conscious of what material I am feeding my brain from the time I get up in the morning to the time I go to bed. I start my mornings with meditation, affirmations, and reading, at the gym I am choosing carefully what I listen to, I put on my headphones and choose music/YouTube lectures that I want my conscious and subconscious mind to pick up on the things that I intend to manifest in this life. Throughout the day I feed my brain with little calendar reminders of affirmations, before I go to bed at might, I use one of my favourite Wayne Dyer techniques, I think about my day and give gratitude to my life and reaffirm a few affirmations, than listen to meditative music to sleep.
What we put into our psyche is so critical to our well being. If your strongest trait is mindset, than you just gained some healthy tips to stay in-tuned and allow what you do want rather than what you don't want.
Take some time out to reflect on your strongest traits and how to enhance them for the betterment of your life and create the life you see in your minds-eye.
Lisa Patel