Taking a year out
A famous singer once said “It's a lot more fun progressing than looking back. That's why I need to throw curve balls”. Advice to budding authors on characterisation includes ‘murder your darlings’. Similar messages about change and avoiding complacency apply just as well to business, which is why we’re taking a year off from the PT event this year.
Our pt annual events have been huge for everyone, from the first in 2016 for about 100 people right up to pt19 with over 800 people. The support has been incredible, the feedback tremendous and the commercial success significant. We’re tremendously proud of it and we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone involved; our team, our partners and, most of all, our loyal customers.
ptXX may well have gone past the 1000 mark. We had some great new ideas and the unwavering support of our partners but with many other ideas vying for attention, we had to think hard about what we should or shouldn’t do. As another famous singer said, “I'm learning the value of saying no. That's very important”.
So, let’s share a glimpse of what we’ve got planned for 2020. Instead of one big event we have several:
Some of these are booked, some in advance planning and others are on the drawing board. All will have the same level of thrilling content, superb hospitality and amazing care that we’ve applied to previous events. Further details are on our events page and we hope you’re as excited as we are.
Even Glastonbury takes a year off sometimes. Who knows, maybe pt21 might happen – stay tuned.
One last quote about change isn’t from a singer: “What's dangerous is not to evolve".