Is Taking Vitamins Beneficial? A Statistician’s Perspective.
It is relatively easy to find statistical studies that indicate
1)????? Vitamins can be harmful.?
2)????? Vitamins are useless.?
3)????? Vitamins are useful.
4)????? Vitamins can be highly beneficial.?
The world is filled with contradictory information
So, once again, let’s ask is taking vitamins beneficial?? Vitamins will be loosely taken to include traditional vitamins, minerals, and nutritional aids.? A personal focus
Issue:? Sunburned extremely rapidly upon any exposure through childhood and a contiguous chunk of adult life leading to many prior sun avoidance tactics.? Vitamins eliminated this as an ongoing concern.?
Issue:? PSA test results started an almost linear march up to action levels over a multiyear period.? A vitamin approach knocked it back down within weeks and these lower levels have been sustained long term.?
Issue:? UTI’s escalated into an active ongoing issue.? A vitamin strategy eliminated approximately 90% of them.? Worked even better than that for someone else in the neighborhood.?
Issue:? Many years of being extremely easy to bruise.? A vitamin strategy, within about 2 months, fully eliminated this issue and this has been sustained ever since.?
One might ask why the specific beneficial solutions were not provided.? What works for one can’t be generalized as a universal solution