Taking Up Space
Bethany Paris Ramsay
360 Integrated Marketer Developing & Elevating Beauty, Health & Wellness Brands. Co-Founder @ The Beauty Brief. Brand & Content Strategist.
"I need to take up space."
I always think back to this scene from the AOC documentary when I’m experiencing imposter syndrome.?
Those feelings come in waves. Being a decade into my career, I know I’ve established myself. I know the incredible breadth of knowledge and expertise I possess. I know my capacity to do even more.?But there’s also plenty of research to back up why, as a woman specifically, this occurs. Especially in the midst of a job search when I am being considered for "big" roles.?
The Harvard Business Review reported on part of this phenomenon years ago in an article that still completely resonates today, discussing the reasons why women don't approach applying to jobs the same way as men.
And no, it's not for a lack of self-confidence, but rather a fear of wasting time, their own and that of an organization.
During this particular job search, I’ve worked hard to take a lot of leaps and so far it’s benefitting me. This includes going for jobs that I know I have the ability to do well at, even if the odds appear to not be in my favor.?
What are those odds? Hyper-specific qualifications, a few less years of experience, lack of an MBA, lack of big and widely recognizable companies on my current resume, etc.?
I’ve got nothing and everything to lose.?
I’ve failed. I’ve been humbled. I’ve experienced great personal loss. I operate with ADHD. I live with chronic depression, and at times, have had to pause to prioritize mental health as a result. I’m thankful for all of it, in retrospect.?
Surviving life experiences does something to a person that’s hard to articulate — but ultimately, it provides perspective and prepares us for the future. It opens us up to possibility in ways we cannot anticipate.?
I’m not ashamed of any of it. I’m proud of my ability to persevere. I hope you’re proud of all the ways you’ve managed to overcome, too.?
With so many of us looking for work in a time of great uncertainty, this is all important to talk about. The process of finding a new position is full of endless rejection, ghosting, disappointment and frustration. There are days when it feels impossible to NOT let it get to you.
But I'm encouraging you, as well as myself, to go ahead and take up space. Take up time. Take those leaps. Apply for the dream job.
I'm rooting for you and I can't wait to land mine.