Taking the time to talk
Charlotte Wiseman
Managing Director, Leadership and wellbeing consultancy - Applying positive psychology in the workplace
Today is the national awareness day to start a conversation and break the stigma about mental health and help change lives. This is the 8th Time to Talk Day when we encourage everyone to be open and talk, listen and support others.
Talking about mental health can be difficult, especially in the current mostly virtual environment. But we can help those struggling with a supportive approach and by asking the right questions.
So, how should we do it? Here are 5 top tips:
- Approach early: Have the confidence to approach & simply ask people how they are doing? If necessary, make it clear that this is about how they are as a person, rather than about work performance
- Be mindful: Think how you would like to be spoken and try to avoid assuming there is a problem
- Cultivate compassion: Do not try to “fix” them or tell them not to worry. Instead, acknowledge how they are feeling & let them know you are pleased they have told you
- Demonstrate respect: You cannot force anyone to speak so, if someone isn't willing to open up, reassure them that "your door is always open" check back in with them at a later date
- Encourage professional help if necessary.
And here are 5 questions you can ask to get you started:
- On a scale of 1-10, how are you?
- Has anything changed?
- Have you felt like this before? What helped in the past?
- Are you getting enough support?
- How can I help? Who might be able to?
Do you think one of your colleagues or friends is facing difficult times? Text them or chat with them today and ask one of the questions above.