Taking the time to connect
Why is it the week after holidays, always seems a lot ?? I had wanted to write this newsletter whilst I was off and yet at 12:14 on a rainy Thursday morning, the page is still blank. (Well almost)
But I wanted to reach out to you all, to connect here on LinkedIn. To prioritise connecting with you. I wrote earlier in the week about 2 choices you could do when starting out on LinkedIn to reduce your overwhelm. Let me know if you'd like me to DM you the link to that post.
To reduce your overwhelm when connecting with people here on LinkedIn, I'd suggest you start with reading their personal profile. I know we're busy, but if you set your timer for 10 minutes, chose a connection, read their profile. What could you learn about them? Enough to move your relationship forward?
12.22 Back in 10 minutes....
12.34 I'm back. The timer to me is important, even in 10 minutes I've become engrossed in the content world of LinkedIn. So did I learn enough in 10 minutes to be able to move our relationship forward? YES, yes I did.
I learnt they provide training services, we know some of the same people, they're passionate about people improving skills & strengths, they're future thinking. All this I got from their profile. As I scrolled down their profile, I reached their activity section. This is where I decided to venture into the content and see what they've created and shared on the platform. I learnt about their USP ??, a bit about their home life and that they share their thoughts, interesting perspectives. As I got lost in their content, I didn't make enough time for checking out their recommendations, I would in the day to day take an extra few minutes to have a look through them.
And in the 10 minutes, I have nuggets of information for my next conversation with them ??
And confirmation I want them in my world too, to continue to get to them better. I'm really delighted and excited to be connected to this person ??
Will you be setting your timer for 10 minutes today and seeing what you could learn about a LinkedIn connection?