Taking stock of 2022 and preparing for growth in 2023
I read somewhere a long time ago that the winter time of very short days, and cold and dreary weather, is the time that’s meant by nature for us to hunker down by the cozy hearth, stay warm, slow down and recuperate; so that when spring arrives, we are ready to do it all over again. This time of “hibernation” is a great time for reflection.
Personally, as I turn the corner from Thanksgiving, with my heart filled to the brim with gratitude, I turn my attention towards the end of the year and the holidays. In my house we celebrate Christmas, which for our family is really just a Thanksgiving - “take two”. It’s a time of gratitude and celebration with family and friends. But it’s also a time where I look back and take stock of the past year. As I work on making Holiday cards and writing our family year-end letter, and possibly even creating a photo calendar which I sometimes make as a gift, it allows me to take stock of the past year. And every year it’s the same: I notice how much I have already forgotten, how much I have done, how much I have accomplished. And how many important life events have taken place. We all say times goes by so fast, yet when we look back we realize how much has in fact happened in the year that’s ending.
As The Challenge Coach, in 2022, I was lucky enough to record a number of podcasts, finish and launch a book, earn a new Coaching Certification, teach many webinars and lead group coaching programs, teach parenting classes and workshops, and coach a number of existing, returning or new clients. I was asked to remain on the board of the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation, I was reelected for another term as the chair of the board of the Parent Encouragement Program, and I led a committee and a section for NASAP.
As Pascale Brady, I welcomed home my oldest child who graduated from college last year and started her first job working from home this year as she is gathering momentum before she launches. I was privileged to see my second child graduate and subsequently helped her move to Europe for a gap year of teaching English abroad, and we fostered three puppies.
And then there’s what happened on the world stage in the past year as a backdrop, but I’d rather not go there. That’s too depressing. And yet what happens in the world does frame our lives in a significant way. At least it does mine.
At this time of year, instead of New Year’s resolutions, I set goals and intentions.
This is what helps me to keep track of what I’d like to do in the new year, and then be able to look back at the end of the year and see how I did. No intention of self-flagellation: this is all done with loving kindness and with the intention of learning.
In 2022, I fulfilled a number of intentions and I reached a number of goals. But not all of them. And that’s really good information. Maybe I am too ambitious. Maybe I underestimate the amount of time things take, or maybe I forget to take into the account the unexpected. Either way, I am gathering useful information which helps me to grow – and hopefully be and do a little bit better the following year.
Some of you might wonder what’s the point? For me the point is to keep improving myself and become a little bit better at me every year. Because if I’m a better me, I’m going to be better for the world around me. I’m going be a better human, better able to be in service to others. Better able to make a difference.
If you’re interested in a bit of help with all of this: the review, the taking stock, and the preparing for growth in the new year, good news! I have a number of ways in which I can support you. Read on. But first, let’s hunker down, let’s rejoice for what we have and celebrate the goodness in our lives.
I am grateful to you, my readers, my friends, my colleagues, my partners, my clients, my family, for your presence in my life. My life would be meaningless if it weren’t for you. You motivate me and help me grow and become a better version of myself every day, hopefully in service of you and in service of our relationship.
Whatever you’re celebrating, happy end-of-year season, happy holidays!! May this time be peaceful and joyful, and help you rest, reset and rejuvenate.
With much love and gratitude,
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I would love to support you in making 2023 your best year yet! Join me on?Friday January 20, 2023?at 12pm EST?on Zoom for a one-hour free workshop on establishing your intentions for the new year, setting SMART goals, and putting a practical plan in place to actually make them happen.
You will leave the webinar energized, hopeful and optimistic, with a clear idea of what’s important to you right now, what you therefore want to accomplish in 2023, and how to get there.
This very interactive and super practical workshop will be a great way to kick off the new year with a clear plan toward achieving some meaningful goals.
We will also have a great time, because who wants another boring zoom webinar?? Our workshops are not only productive, they are also unusually lively and fun. Yes, you come and do some meaningful and productive work, but you also have a great time.
Sign up here - and make sure to bring a few friends!!?
Continuing on from the New Year, New You FREE webinar, this four week group coaching program will boost your motivation: define your top goals for 2023, create a plan and implement it!
Virtually, in a small group of no more than 8 people, we will work on identifying your most fervent wishes, we will look at what obstacles are standing in the way of making them into reality, and finally we will work on a very concrete, very achievable plan which you will start putting into place before the program is over.?
Each weekly session contains:
The program is highly interactive, deeply introspective and also lots of fun, in a very mutually respectful and completely confidential framework.