Taking steps into syndication
Scott O'Neill
CEO & Founder of Rethink Group | Rethink Investing | Rethink Financing | Rethink Commercial Education | Rethink Insurance | Rethink Property Lawyers | Rethink Renewables | Rethink Residential
Scott O’Neill of Rethink Investing talks about how property syndicates can benefit your commercial investment portfolio
WHEN you’re looking to break into commercial property, you’re not restricted to simply trying to buy in on your own. Aligning with a property syndicate can be a great way to dip your toes into the field, spreading the cost (and risk) across a number of different investors.
“In a syndicate deal, there’s no individual personally backing the loan – you share it collectively, which enables you to buy into properties that might otherwise be out of reach,” says Scott O’Neill, CEO of Rethink Investing.
Property syndicates have a number of benefits. For existing investors, they can be a way to expand and diversify their existing portfolios beyond individual properties, giving them a means of stepping up to the next level of investment.
If you’re new to the commercial space, they can also offer a way of minimising the potential risks of going ‘all in’ on a specific property. Additionally, they retain the traditional benefits of other commercial properties. From O’Neill’s perspective, one of the major advantages of commercial property in general is that it can provide better cash flow than residential property. He points to a recent investment opportunity that arose for a number of his clients – the South Central Shopping Centre in Bundaberg – as a positive example.
“We could tell it was a sound investment for a number of reasons,” says O’Neill. “The demand was there from the community – South Central is the commercial centre of the Wide Bay region, which has a population close to 100,000 people. All the stores were fully leased, which is a good sign.”
The shopping centre has been there for over 80 years. However, it was completely rebuilt in 2005; today it is well designed and modern, with access from nearby main roads. Additionally, O’Neill says, the tenants within the property are a diverse mix. Containing primarily medical/health facilities and fast-food outlets, South Central is also anchored by a very successful supermarket.
“There’s room for future expansion too,” says O’Neill. “The site is underdeveloped at the moment – there’s surplus land, so in theory there could be new tenancy areas or a new freestanding fast-food drive through built in the future.”
As with any investment, though, it’s critical to find the property that’s right for your particular needs. O’Neill notes that there are a number of considerations when looking at a syndicate investment.
“Due diligence is always important, but it’s really crucial with property syndicates,” he says. “You need to carefully assess all the usual factors, like interest rates, expected yield and lease quality.”
Find out more follow this link: https://www.rethinkinvesting.com.au/lets-talk/
Scott O'Neill
Director - Rethink Investing & Rethink Financing
1300 965 551