Taking steps to reduce delay in adaptations for <£1000
A stairclimnber can be re-issued time and again, to deliver safe transfer for numerous clients

Taking steps to reduce delay in adaptations for <£1000

Anyone involved in delivery of adaptations- be it to facilitate hospital discharge, to prevent someone having to move into residential care, to empower them to live as independently as possible, to support delivery of appropriate home care- knows about the continuing pressure to reduce delay.

Steps have been taken to effect timely delivery of DFGs.?

New Government guidance has been published, Foundations (the national body for Home Improvement Agencies) has devised and produced its Triage Tool, the Regulatory Reform Order is being more widely adopted. Yet waiting lists continue to grow(1).?

With regard to one of the most common adaptations- means of inter-floor transfer- there is a fast, cost-efficient and non-disruptive solution, whether as a short-term or long-term measure.?

Re-issue?of a stairclimber could be the answer.?

Before the idea is dismissed out of hand, consider:

-????????At?under £1000(2)?for a re-issue, including client assessment, training and minor adjustments to accommodate the recipient and their carer, it more often than not?eliminates the need for means testing- another reason for delay in the adaptations process.?

-????????With?thousands already purchased by Local Authorities, Equipment Stores?nationwide (validating their role within the adaptation framework) chances are there is one to hand. That?addresses the delay?whilst alternative options are ordered, delivered, installed, let alone the home surveyed to validate its structural integrity to accommodate a stairlift or through-floor lift.?The immediate need is addressed in days, not months.

-????????It can?eliminate delay in hospital discharge. Even if it is felt that a larger adaptation- a stairlift, through-floor lift- is needed, the stairclimber can be re-issued from stores t

-????????It?avoids unnecessary risk: even if a stairlift or through-floor lift is deemed the most appropriate long-term solution, whilst Grant funding etc is processed, the re-issued stairclimber removes the need for the care-giver to physically carry the client up or down stairs.

-????????It?considers the whole household?and their quality of life: it does not require furniture to be moved, rooms to be reconfigured by a bed being moved downstairs, nor impede others access and safety on the stairs. Everyone’s dignity and privacy is preserved.

-????????Unlike the other usual solutions to stairs, it empowers the client to access their whole home including the garden and the wider community.

-????????It considers the client- and carer-?priorities and needs, taking into account their diagnosis and longer-term prognosis.

-????????Although perceived as a complex situation in that a carer and assessment are essential, the?solution is simple?without requiring any building work, installation or making good when no longer needed.

A stairclimber can be used by any care giver, with appropriate training

Of course it is not the answer in every case. However, where appropriate, adoption of the concept could make a significant inroad into the backlog of adaptations, facilitating people to be discharged or enabling them to continue to live better and safely at home, in the home they love.

This is about making best use of resources within our Councils, of helping you the Occupational Therapists help your clients. Indeed, whenever we support OTs in client assessments for stairclimbers, we now submit two quotes: one for a new unit, one for a re-issue.?

Those involved in delivering adaptations have the choice to make a difference. Take the step. Make a difference.




(2)???Assuming the Store stairclimber without any additional accessories is used



