Taking The Reins: How To Make Great Decisions On The Fly Under Pressure
“As human beings, we think that because we can think a certain way we’ll think this way forever." - Susie Crippen, co-founder of JBrand Jeans

Taking The Reins: How To Make Great Decisions On The Fly Under Pressure

Your willingness and capacity to develop new mindsets constitute a cornerstone of human and leadership development. This skill sets you apart and firmly places the reins of self-control in your hands, while connecting you to yourself and the present moment. Leadership is a lifestyle. It grows as you do. The development of leadership is a daily practice.

An easy way to develop yourself as a great human being and leader is to start your day with this question:

“Am I willing to challenge my thinking today?”

Your thinking shapes your results.

By becoming aware of your thinking, you can understand its influence on your perspectives, values, worldview, and, consequently, your decisions and actions.

Developing your ability to challenge your thinking equips you to confront your beliefs, biases, mental constructs, approaches, and assumptions. Doing this daily develops your ability to make great decisions on the fly under pressure.

Challenging your thinking as a way to develop yourself, prepares you for those moments when you want to run for the safety of the status quo. It keeps you out of your comfort zone and empowers you to deconstruct the thinking that keeps you from making the bigger, better decisions you want to make. It gives you a whole new way of thinking, which gives you a whole new way of living and leading.

The Vista Caballo StillPoint Experience by world-renowned 'CEO whisperer' Lisa Arie is a science-based framework on how to face and challenge the fears found at the edge of your comfort zone. Find out more here .



